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‘Champing at the bit’ – Postecoglou discusses what he’s seen from new Spurs youngsters

‘Champing at the bit’ – Postecoglou discusses what he’s seen from new Spurs youngsters

Tottenham Hotspur have two very promising young players among their squad for the season ahead, and Ange Postecoglou is very impressed by what he’s seen... The post ‘Champing at the bit’ – Postecoglou discusses what he’s seen from new Spurs youngsters appeared first on The Spurs Web - Tottenham Hotspur Football News.

Tottenham Hotspur have two very promising young players among their squad for the season ahead, and Ange Postecoglou is very impressed by what he’s seen from them so far.

Archie Gray
(Credit: Tottenham Hotspur)

Postecoglou excited by Gray and Bergvall

While Spurs are likely to sign a few more players before the summer is over, the arrivals of both Lucas Bergvall and Archie Gray have been heralded as tantalising additions to the squad.

Speaking to SpursPlay as pre-season training gets underway, Postecoglou has been discussing the first impressions of the two youngsters.

On Bergvall, he said: “We signed Lucas back in January and he’s been sort of champing at the bit to get across here. He’s come in and looked really good in training, really excited and pleased to have him as part of the group.

“We knew he would have a great deal to offer, a great young player, but also a real good appetite for hard work and wanting to improve.”

On Gray, Postecoglou added: “He was outstanding last year in the Championship, which is not an easy league, we know. I’m super pleased the club were able to do a deal there. Again, a great kid, super young player with a great attitude.

“You can see both of them are really enjoying being here.”

Lucas Bergvall
(Credit: Tottenham Hotspur)

Tottenham now have two of the best young midfield talents

Postecoglou also touches on a few other youth players at Spurs: “Jamie Donley, Mikey Moore, Alfie Devine, and Ashley Phillips… will be good for these young guys to do some good work with us.

“Wayne and his coaching staff did an incredible job with the Under-21s last year, not just winning the league but the way they play. Quite a few of them came through to the first-team which is the primary goal of the Under-21s. Wayne gets them to this space and the rest is up to them.”

Supporters will be hoping to see plenty of the youngsters in action during this evening’s pre-season friendly at Hearts.

Spurs Web Opinion

We have so many exciting young players now, and the fact that both Bergvall and Gray have got decent squad numbers suggests they will play a big part in the team this season.

I hope they are given the chance to show what they can do, and the other young players mentioned, too.

The post ‘Champing at the bit’ – Postecoglou discusses what he’s seen from new Spurs youngsters appeared first on The Spurs Web - Tottenham Hotspur Football News.

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