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Emma Watson ‘stalker’ arrested after demanding to see Harry Potter star at her university


A SUSPECTED stalker has been arrested for demanding to see actress Emma Watson at her university.

American Chad Michael Busto was held in Oxford, where the ex-Harry Potter star is studying for a masters in creative writing.

Suspected stalker Chad Michael Busto has been arrested for demanding to see actress Emma Watson at her university[/caption]
Busto was held in Oxford on June 26 after locals reported he had been asking questions about the star
Emma with her Harry Potter co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint

 Last September, he was arrested for allegedly barging into a New York fashion show dressing room and shouting he wanted to marry the star, 34.

Yesterday, Busto, 44, spoke to us from Colnbrook Immigration Centre near Heathrow.

He said: “I visited the English department and spoke to people. I went to the main admissions centre trying to gain information.”

He did not meet Emma and was arrested on June 26 after locals reported he had been asking questions about her.

Busto added: “I was trying to connect with Emma Watson. However, the claim was made about me because I was asking around. But it was not made by Emma herself.

“I was arrested in a square close to a Starbucks.”

Conspiracist Busto claims to have won a 2021 US Federal case declaring the country’s justice system illegal.

Asked what he would have done if he had met Emma, he said: “I would have tried to talk to her about the big case that I have won.”

Asked if he shouted he wanted to marry Emma at the New York incident, Busto said: “The statements were taken out of context.”

But he added: “I was shouting something and, yes, it was to get her attention. It kind of worked in the way I wanted.”

It is unclear whether Emma was in New York at the time.

Busto pleaded not guilty to trespass and disorderly conduct over the incident, and was released without bail.

A month earlier, he was held for attempting to approach actress Drew Barrymore.

Busto said he flew from Boston to Heathrow on June 12 — arriving with £800 and a sleeping bag. He said he went to London to visit “government organisations” and had been sleeping in an Oxford church.

I was trying to connect with Emma Watson. However, the claim was made about me because I was asking around

Suspected stalker Chad Michael Busto talking to The Sun

He claimed officials were planning to deport him and that he wanted to claim British citizenship, adding: “They are illegally detaining me and I have no idea when I’ll be allowed to leave.

“Police have my possessions. I’m on the run, there’s a danger to my life.”

 Police said a US man, 44, was held on suspicion of stalking and released under investigation.

Previously, Busto has been held for attempting to approach actress Drew Barrymore, above[/caption]

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