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Coons, campaign co-chair, says Biden 'weighing' who will be best to defeat Trump

Coons, campaign co-chair, says Biden 'weighing' who will be best to defeat Trump

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), national co-chair of President Biden’s reelection campaign, said Friday that Biden is “weighing” who would be the best Democratic nominee to defeat former President Trump in November, indicating Biden is carefully evaluating the option of stepping aside for another candidate.

But Coons also emphasized he thinks Biden would be the strongest choice to challenge Trump in the general election, and he later posted a statement on social media declaring Biden is “in it to win it.”

“This is an internal party matter and a matter of the campaign that is playing out very publicly. I think our president is weighing what he should weigh, which is: Who is the best candidate to win in November and to carry forward the Democratic Party’s values and priorities in this campaign?” Coons said at the Aspen Security Forum.

He made his remarks after a panel moderator what factors Biden is considering as he decides how to proceed with his campaign amidst calls by Democratic lawmakers to drop out of the race.

Coons reiterated his support for Biden and extolled his record of the last 3 1/2 years.

“He has been an exceptional president. He has campaigned effectively, he has led effectively,” Coons said, citing Biden’s leadership at the NATO summit in Washington last week.

“He chaired … meeting after meeting, three days of the NATO summit — strongest NATO has ever been — did a press conference, did campaign events, did campaign rallies, and there are folks still saying he’s not strong enough or capable enough to be our next president. I disagree,” he said.

Coons, shortly afterward, posted a statement on the social platform X that seemed intended to dispel expectations that Biden may soon drop out of the race.

“I fully support the president. He’s told me he’s in it to win it. I’m with him 100% because I know he can beat Trump just like he did last time,” he posted.

Biden campaign staff on Friday tried to stamp out talk of Biden reconsidering his decision to stay in the race.

“Absolutely, the president’s in this race,” Jen O’Malley Dillon told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” in an interview Friday morning.

“You have heard from the president directly, time and time again: He is in this race to win and he is our nominee, and he’s going to be our president for a second term,” she insisted when asked about reports that Biden may soon end his reelection bid.

Alex Gangitano contributed.

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