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I get really nerdy about which teas to drink for your skin – the best options for beating acne, dark spots, and aging


A HOLISTIC skincare fan has admitted that they have a huge interest in which teas work best for their skin.

They shared the best options to drink that support your overall health and combat acne, dark spots, and signs of aging.

A Redditor shared the benefits of certain teas for your overall health and skin (stock image)[/caption]

Reddit user BoopMyButton is a self-described “expert” on the subject.

They shared in a post an “overly detailed and nerdy” list of teas with “extra special benefits.”

“Most teas will be good for your skin due to antioxidant properties, which are anti-inflammatory and protect skin from damage and pollutants,” they said.


First, they explained the general health advantages of drinking white and green tea, including anti-cancer, blood sugar control, and weight control.

They contain EGCG and L-theanine and both are good for anti-aging and anti-acne, especially green tea.

It is an anti-androgen that helps with hormonal acne and oil production.

According to experts at Healthline, green tea is the most effective.


Rosehip tea also has skin benefits that increase moisture and lessen fine lines and wrinkles.

It has some vitamin C and an antioxidant called astaxanthin, which a study explained is found in salmon and shellfish.

“To get the vitamin C from this tea, it must be cold brewed, as vitamin C is heat sensitive,” they advised.


The Reddit user called spearmint tea “the ultimate anti-androgen tea as of late.”

Several sources state that it helps with hormonal acne and oil production.


Milk thistle is very complex because it contains many advantages that go beyond appearances.

Not only does it help with acne, but a Healthline study said that it is also great for your liver and plays a big role in your overall health.

It also can boost breast milk production, which expecting and new mothers would appreciate as a natural alternative.

“There’s also some talk about chamomile tea being good for skin and fading dark spots when ingested, but I haven’t seen any solid studies on that yet,” the Reddit user added.

They admitted that they “drink these teas religiously.”

“I seriously struggle with extra stubborn acne and mildly oily skin,” they said.

Although they are a good addition to any skincare regimen, “most teas will only ever be about a 5% boost in skin health,” the Redditor said.

They followed up that spearmint tea is the only one on the list that may be an exception to the unspoken rule.

“There have been many self-reports of it completely fixing acne for those with hormonal issues,” they said.

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