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ICJ declares Israel settlements in the West Bank illegal


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has, for the first time, responded to Israel’s settlement activities in the West Bank and the occupation of Palestinian territories, issuing a “non-binding” ruling that urges Tel Aviv to stop seizing Palestinian lands. In a statement released on Friday, July 20, the ICJ declared Israel’s decades-long efforts to seize […]

The post ICJ declares Israel settlements in the West Bank illegal appeared first on Khaama Press.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has, for the first time, responded to Israel’s settlement activities in the West Bank and the occupation of Palestinian territories, issuing a “non-binding” ruling that urges Tel Aviv to stop seizing Palestinian lands.

In a statement released on Friday, July 20, the ICJ declared Israel’s decades-long efforts to seize Palestinian lands, construct and expand Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and permanently annexe and control these areas as “illegal.”

This marks the first occasion the ICJ has addressed Israel’s settlement activities in the West Bank.

The 15-member panel of ICJ judges referred to Israel as an “occupying power” in their statement, emphasizing that the country must abandon its “discriminatory policies against Palestinians.”

According to Agence France-Presse, the court’s statement condemning Israel’s settlement activities is not a binding order but an “advisory opinion.”

The Palestinian Authority welcomed the ICJ’s statement, calling it a “historic” move.

The Israeli government reacted angrily to the ICJ’s decision.

In his initial response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the ICJ’s ruling as “meaningless,” stating that “no ruling can negate the historical truth and legal right of Israelis to live in their ancestral homeland.”

Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion marks a significant moment in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, reflecting international condemnation of Israeli settlement activities.

While non-binding, this ruling highlights the persistent legal and moral disputes surrounding the occupation and calls for renewed efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

The differing reactions from the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government underscore the deep-seated tensions and the challenges ahead in achieving lasting peace.

The post ICJ declares Israel settlements in the West Bank illegal appeared first on Khaama Press.

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