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Kamala Harris Agrees To Make History By Running As The Democratic Party’s Presidential Nominee


Writing on X, the Clintons said “We are honored to join the President in endorsing Vice President Harris and will do whatever we can to support her. They further added that, “Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight everything we’ve got to elect her.”

The post Kamala Harris Agrees To Make History By Running As The Democratic Party’s Presidential Nominee appeared first on NewsOne.

Joe Biden Sworn In As 46th President Of The United States At U.S. Capitol Inauguration Ceremony

Source: Rob Carr / Getty

Kamala Devi Harris, the first woman, African American and Asian American to hold the vice presidency, the second highest office in the nation, will likely be the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee. 

The Vice President was endorsed by President Biden earlier today, putting her in the lead to win the Party’s nomination. More, she is also helped by having the support of Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Rep. Ilhan Omar, along with that of the influential Clintons.

Hillary Clinton Holds Primary Night Event In Brooklyn, New York

Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty

Posting on the  X, their statement read, in part:

We are honored to join the President in endorsing Vice President Harris and will do whatever we can to support her. They further added that, “Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight everything we’ve got to elect her.

Earlier this month, NewsOne spoke exclusively with Lateefah Simon. Simon worked for Harris during the former’s tenure as San Francisco’s District Attorney. She is  currently running for Rep. Barbara Lee’s seat in Congress(Lee stepped down and endorsed Simon stepping in). But during that interview, Simon said that,

Kamala is a natural leader…[and]—I imagine that the most difficult thing for her to do was to so gracefully become a follower of the president’s agenda. That’s not to say she disagreed with it, but it’s to underscore that she’s spent her entire career developing agendas by engaging very closely and personally with the community. To sit back in order to best serve was a new way for her to be of service. Which in the end, is one of Kamala’s greatest strengths: to remain focused on providing meaningful public service rather than focusing solely on herself…

In a statement issued by Biden’s campaign, the Vice President said she was “…honored to have the president’s endorsement,” and that her “…intention is to earn and win this nomination.” The full statement can be found here, courtesy of Time.

This is a developing story.

The post Kamala Harris Agrees To Make History By Running As The Democratic Party’s Presidential Nominee appeared first on NewsOne.

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