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DESPICABLE: Leftist Thug Deliberately Runs Over Elderly Trump Supporter in ATV Over a Yard Sign During Politically-Motivated Crime Spree in Michigan


A left-wing thug this week committed three different crimes in Michigan targeting Donald Trump supporters, including running over a helpless elderly supporter of President Trump in an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) before reportedly killing himself.

The post DESPICABLE: Leftist Thug Deliberately Runs Over Elderly Trump Supporter in ATV Over a Yard Sign During Politically-Motivated Crime Spree in Michigan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Credit: Hancock Police Department

A left-wing thug this week committed three different crimes in Michigan targeting Donald Trump supporters, including running over a helpless elderly supporter of President Trump in an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) before reportedly killing himself.

The Hancock City Police Department (HCPD) released a statement revealing that around 5:45 P.M Sunday, the suspect drove an ATV onto the yard of an 80-year-old man who was posting a Trump sign in his yard. The old man was subsequently struck in a deliberate act.

The (HCPD) also noted the thug also vandalized two vehicles for displaying pro-police stickers and flags.

The injured Trump supporter was transported to the hospital for severe injuries following the violent attack. He remains in critical condition.

Below is the press release from the HCPD regarding the incident:

Credit: City of Hancock Police Department

On Monday afternoon, WMZQ reported that the HCPD received a message from an individual on Samson Street in Quincy Township stating they wanted to confess to the heinous crimes. The person also said they wanted the department to “send someone to pick me up.”

But when officers arrived on the scene, they discovered a 22-year-old male suspect dead on the scene. He had committed suicide with a single self-inflicted gunshot wound.

WZMQ also reported that police deputies obtained a search warrant for the residence and recovered several electronic devices in the process. These will be examined by computer forensic specialists.

The ATV used during the incident was discovered as well, along with clothing that the suspect had been wearing at the time of the attack.

These despicable attacks on Trump supporters come just days after the 45th President was nearly assassinated by a 20-year-old Democrat donor named Thomas Matthew Crooks. Even worse, now-former DEI-loving Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle refused to provide adequate security to Trump at the rally and allowed the agents to guard the roof Crooks shot from.

The Hancock City Police Department has not name the perpetrator even after his demise. The investigation remains ongoing.

The post DESPICABLE: Leftist Thug Deliberately Runs Over Elderly Trump Supporter in ATV Over a Yard Sign During Politically-Motivated Crime Spree in Michigan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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