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‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like [news media] scorned’


The flurry of “Joe Biden has withdrawn” news has reflected a pundit class that was not amused at the timing and manner of the Biden announcement.

The post ‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like [news media] scorned’ appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

In the flurry of “Joe Biden has withdrawn” news, Jerry Cobbs made this observation on Threads. As Jeff Tiedrich noted Monday, the pundit class was not amused at the timing and manner of the Biden announcement.

Threads screen shot
Sending out a press release on Sunday afternoon, after the morning talk shows, totally screwed the media. No video clips, no “breaking news,” no chance for pundits to comment on how he sounded, looked, walked, etc. No chance to schedule guests to pick him apart as he spoke. He totally starved them of clicks and eyeballs, in repayment for them starving his candidacy of positive coverage purely for the sake of clicks and eyeballs. Don’t mess with DarkBrandon.

Here’s the not-very-self-aware Brian Stelter:
Laughing at Brian Stelter tweet

Tiedrich on Stelter:

Stelter spent a month screaming that JOE MUST GO — but now that he’s gotten what he wanted, he’s moved the goalposts to JOE MUST GO BUT NOT LIKE THIS. some people are just never happy.

Supposedly “straight news” journalists also have their axes out. Here’s a snarky headline from AP on Monday (via the app – the headline has changed on the website but it’s still denigrating):

AP app headline

Biden passed that torch slowly, hanging on until the wheels finally came off

It’s a conscious decision to use the verb “quits” rather than “withdraws.” One is connotatively more negative; it’s been the overall choice.

screenshot guardian biden quits

Biden quits race

Axios married the fact that the Democratic National Committee is going ahead with a virtual roll call before August 1 by proclaiming its lack of democratic attitude.

Not word one by any of these pundits about the clock ticking for getting on the Ohio ballot. Yes, the Ohio legislature moved the deadline from August 7 to September 1. Better safe than sorry, Ohio Democrats say; they want to meet the August 7 deadline.

What a difference framing makes, right? Same event, totally different approach.

Look. If all 50 state Democratic chairs endorsed Kamala Harris within HOURS of the Biden announcement … that says to me that a helluva lot of planning took place. Planning with lips sealed, WWII like.

Here’s The Atlantic, Tuesday:
Snarky headline from The Atlantic

And a conservative London paper, The Times:
screenshot times of london tweet

None of these headlines — or stories — acknowledge the extensive planning required as well as the ability of that many people to keep their lips zipped. Nor do they identify the limits on who could use the Biden-Harris campaign funds (only one of them) … or what no ads for three weeks would do to campaign momentum.

This is strategic.

  • Wait until after the Republican National Convention and vice presidential selection is done.
  • Wait until Sunday after the talk shows.
  • Announce without a media event.
  • Have paperwork lined up to flip a switch which made the Biden-Harris campaign funds ready for Harris alone.

Again. With no leaks.

Maybe the fundraising was primed. I’m certain the calls for funds was prepared and ready to go, but I don’t think anyone would have projected a new 24-hour record: $81,000,000.

What kind of planning and manpower does it take to secure more than half delegate votes the next day? That’s a huge phone call tree.

AP delegate survey

Republicans continue to make a lot of noise, but at least some headlines put their noisy illegitimate objections into context (unlike Sunday and Monday). Compare the Washington Post (illegitimate) with Business Insider (contextual). Gives you pause, or it should: it’s the alternative medium that is framing the story with facts.

WA post headline

Republicans have no say in how Democrats pick their candidate (and vice versa).

Biz Insider screen capture
Business Insider properrly frames Republican threats of litigation.

I’ll leave you with two clips from Wisconsin:

The jury is watching mainstream news media, but not with bated breath.

I expect campaign coverage to shift from Biden’s age to negatives about Harris, with nary (or a passing) a critique of Trump’s age, lack of transparency (health, taxes, Butler PA injury), or clear inability to share a cogent train of thought (‘gibberish’).


[1] Headline from William Congreve’s play, The Mourning Bride (1697).

The stakes in November have never been more urgent, nor the choices more extreme.

Remember: you are not voting for one person. You are voting for a team.

I’m voting for Team America not Team Russia-Hungary-North Korea.

The post ‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like [news media] scorned’ appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

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