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60-ton bridge stolen in Russia


Preview The theft of a bridge in Ryazan Region, Russia which was reportedly sold for scrap metal is being investigated
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The structure in Ryazan Region disappeared and was later reportedly sold for scrap metal for pennies on the dollar

Russian law enforcement officials are investigating the theft of a huge metal railroad bridge in the western part of the country that was apparently sold for scrap metal for just over $15,000.

The mysterious disappearance of an entire steel bridge, estimated to weigh at least 60 tons, in Ryazan Region around 200km southeast of Moscow – was first reported on Wednesday by local activist Svetlana Konovalova.

She told local media that the bridge in Skopinsky District had been privatized by a local railway company, with all the necessary paperwork in place to prove ownership. However, an unidentified group of people reportedly found documents stating that it belonged to no one and dismantled it. The owner then asked police to look into the matter, Konovalova added, noting that the bridge thieves and the rightful owner knew each other but failed to make a deal. 

In a statement on Friday, the local police department confirmed that it had received a complaint about “the disappearance of a metal structure of a non-functioning railway bridge” more than a week ago. It added that it had opened a criminal investigation.

A local Telegram channel shared photos of the scene of the theft, showing two large concrete pylons towering over a shallow river.

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Konovalova described the missing bridge as “a gigantic Soviet-era construction,” adding that she was surprised that no one paid attention to the dismantling operation, which most likely took several days. She also urged law enforcement agencies to bring the culprits to justice and make them rebuild the bridge.

Meanwhile, the 60-ton bridge – or what’s left of it – soon surfaced at a local scrap metal collection point, according to the Mash Telegram channel, which claimed that the bridge thief received 1.3 million rubles ($15,000) for the metal. The bridge is estimated to have cost 300 million rubles ($3.5 million).

Mash reported that the bridge was sold by a local 37-year-old resident but suggested that he was used by someone to simply sign the paperwork and received less than $60 for his services.

Police told TASS that the bridge was inactive, adding that the railroad was not under the jurisdiction of the local administration or other state bodies. Mash reported that it was used by local residents as a shortcut to other nearby settlements.

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