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Putin warns of mirror response to US missile deployment in Germany


Preview Russia will consider itself free to act if US missiles appear in Germany, Vladimir Putin has said
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The Russian president has accused the West of clinging to a Cold War mentality

Russia will consider itself free from a moratorium on the deployment of medium and shorter-range missiles if the US places missiles in Germany, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said in an address to sailors at the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg.

Earlier this month, the US and Germany announced plans to deploy long-range precision missile systems in Europe. According to a joint US-German press release dated July 10, the US “will begin episodic deployments of the long-range fires capabilities of its Multi-Domain Task Force in Germany in 2026.”

Putin called this announcement “noteworthy,” as such a deployment will put important Russian state and military facilities, administrative and industrial centers, as well as defense infrastructure within the reach of the weapons. He noted that the flight time of such missiles to targets on Russian territory would be about ten minutes, and that they could also be equipped with nuclear warheads.

“This situation is reminiscent of the events of the Cold War related to the deployment of American medium-range missiles in Europe,” Putin stated. He said that while Russia has long left the Cold War in the past, the US “did not reciprocate.” The president warned that if the US goes through with the missile deployment plan, Russia will respond accordingly.

Read more
Russia doesn’t ‘rule out’ nuclear response to US missiles in Europe – deputy FM

“If the US implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously adopted moratorium on the deployment of medium- and short-range strike weapons, and will take steps to boost the capabilities of the coastal troops of our Navy,” he stated, noting that the development of a number of such missile systems is in the final stages.

“We will take mirror measures to deploy [these systems], taking into account the actions of the US and its satellites in Europe and other regions of the world,” Putin pledged.

Putin delivered his speech after greeting sailors and ship crews assembled for the annual Navy Day parade, the Russian Navy’s primary celebration. He praised the Navy as a “reliable guardian of our naval borders” and the country’s pride and glory. He said that Russia’s naval power had been achieved through the efforts and talents of its seamen, and vowed to continue supporting strengthen the Navy’s capabilities through training and more marine personnel, equipping naval vessels with hypersonic missiles, boosting coastal infrastructure, and intelligence and air defense.

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