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REPORT: Kamala Harris Narrows Down VP List to Three Candidates – All Straight White Males!


Presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris has reportedly narrowed down her list of vice-presidential picks to three candidates.

The post REPORT: Kamala Harris Narrows Down VP List to Three Candidates – All Straight White Males! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris has reportedly narrowed down her list of vice-presidential picks to three candidates.

According to Bloomberg, Harris is now coming up with a shortlist and will make a decision by August 7th.

The report states:

Vice President Kamala Harris is zeroing in on a group of potential running mates, as she faces a two-week dash to make the biggest decision of her nascent presidential bid.

Harris is considering a wide range of vice presidential candidates from the Democratic Party’s bench, though people familiar with the process say a short list has emerged including three elected officials with nationwide appeal: Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.
Kevin Munoz, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, said she “directed her team to begin the process of vetting potential running mates” but declined to elaborate on the search. Harris is expected to make a selection by Aug. 7, in order to align with the party’s plan to virtually nominate a ticket by that date.

Allies of Harris say chemistry between the vice president and whoever she picks is just as important as their political attributes. Harris knows firsthand the pressures of being No. 2 on the Democratic ticket and is weighing her experience as she makes a selection, according to her supporters.

Harris’ ascension to become the likely Democratic nominee, after President Joe Biden’s stunning exit from the race, has accelerated what is typically a months-long vetting process of potential running mates. The pick will take place amid a furious effort by Harris to shape the Biden campaign operation in her image, define herself to voters and expand her war chest — all with roughly 100 days until Election Day.

As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, Harris has tasked the corrupt former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder with vetting the candidates on behalf of the campaign.

While Walz, Kelly and Shapiro may consider themselves moderates in comparison to Harris, readers will know that they are all paid up members of the far-left Democratic Party establishment that is dedicated to destroying America through open borders, woke ideology and a plethora of other socialist ideas.

There are no good choices in this scenrario. The only positive outcome is a pick that makes the Harris campaign even more likely to fail.

The post REPORT: Kamala Harris Narrows Down VP List to Three Candidates – All Straight White Males! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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