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World Hepatitis Day: WHO reveals global death rate of one every minute


Written By: Zahra Rashidi On July 28, World Hepatitis Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that a person dies from hepatitis every minute around the world. The WHO stated on Sunday, July 28th, that among every six people, only one is aware of their hepatitis condition. According to the organization, each year, 1.3 million […]

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Written By: Zahra Rashidi

On July 28, World Hepatitis Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that a person dies from hepatitis every minute around the world.

The WHO stated on Sunday, July 28th, that among every six people, only one is aware of their hepatitis condition.

According to the organization, each year, 1.3 million people die from various forms of hepatitis, and the disease causes 2.2 million new infections annually.

Meanwhile, Abdulwali Haqqani, Deputy Minister of Health Services, reported during a meeting in Kabul for World Hepatitis Day that last year, 15,000 cases of hepatitis were registered in Afghanistan, including 12,000 cases of Hepatitis B and 1,300 cases of Hepatitis C.

Mr. Haqqani mentioned that currently, diagnostic centers for hepatitis are available in 14 provinces, and treatment is provided in eight provinces, with ten more centers expected to be operational soon.

He added that the Ministry of Health is committed to extending treatment and control services to all provinces this year.

Additionally, Mr. Haqqani urged international organizations to coordinate their aid with the Ministry of Health to reduce costs.

The Ministry of Public Health also stated on World Hepatitis Day that precise statistics on hepatitis cases in Afghanistan are lacking, but approximately 15,000 positive cases were recorded last year.

This year, Afghanistan is observing World Hepatitis Day with the slogan, “Now is the Time to Act.”

Hepatitis, commonly known as jaundice, is one of the deadliest diseases with relatively low public awareness. It is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it may not show symptoms until it severely impacts the patient.

Hepatitis is categorized into five types: A, B, C, D, and E. Types B and C, also known as “black jaundice,” can lead to liver cancer and cirrhosis.

Research indicates that Hepatitis A and E are typically transmitted through contaminated food and water, while Hepatitis B, C, and D are spread through contact with infected blood or secretions.

Preventive measures include vaccination and following certain health precautions to avoid infection.

July 28 is designated as World Hepatitis Day, annually observed to promote prevention, treatment, and awareness of hepatitis.

The post World Hepatitis Day: WHO reveals global death rate of one every minute appeared first on Khaama Press.

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