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'Boooo': Trump enrages his own fans in swing state after issuing new endorsement


Donald Trump has infuriated his own base of support over the weekend.

Late on Saturday, the former president made a move that has become familiar to him: he took to Truth Social to announce a new political endorsement.

What he probably didn't expect, was the outrage that followed after he announced his pick for Arizona.

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"We have a very important Republican Primary Election on Tuesday for Arizona's 8th Congressional District, with two spectacular America First Candidates," the ex-president said. "Blake Masters is a very successful businessman, and an incredibly strong supporter of our Movement to Make America Great Again - He is smart and tough! Likewise, Abe Hamadeh, a Veteran, former prosecutor, and fearless fighter for Election Integrity, has been with me all the way!"

He added, "They will both be spectacular, and I’m pleased to announce that both Blake Masters and Abe Hamadeh have my Complete and Total Endorsement to be the next Congressman of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District — THEY WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!"

The comments turned negative instantly.

AZPatriot wrote, "BLAKE is a traitor to AZ as he QUIT and did not fight in 2022! How can you even support Blake after the commercials he put out LIED."

"Blake is the worst candidate for my district because he does not even live here!" the user exclaimed.

@Parkers19, identified as a police officer and a "MAGA American," replied, "No no no. Blake will definitely let us down. Please people vote for Abe!"

"Trump patriot" @VictoryLynn said, "PLEASE! Don’t be fooled by Blake! Blake is running the dirtiest ads in Arizona. They are pure lies against Abe HAMADEH. Abe has fought for AZ hard everyday since stolen election in 2022! Blake is lazy, phony & self-serving. Not since John McCain have we had ads as dirty as Blake’s here in AZ."

@theUmstache, who is wearing a MAGA hat in his profile picture, told Trump to "get off the fence."

"Abe is an America First true Patriot. Blake is a Peter Thiel stooge who quickly conceded his stolen election," he said. "Abe loves America. Blake serves a transhumanist. Get off the fence [Trump]."

@Mex_Ayaan answered, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. PLEASE THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO GO. Blake masters is a snake. Friend of turtle Mitch McConnell, friend of Mike Pence, friend of the establishment that blocked your administration's America First Agenda!"

@AmericanMom booed the former president's decision.

"Boooo. Blake Masters will stab you in the back. Who the hell is advising you?" she asked.

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