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“It Was Spectacular!” – Jill Biden Gushes Over Sick Anti-Christian Olympic Ceremony in Vile Speech (VIDEO)


As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Paris Olympic organizers allowed a reenactment of The Last Supper with drag queens during the 2024 Olympics ceremony.

The post “It Was Spectacular!” – Jill Biden Gushes Over Sick Anti-Christian Olympic Ceremony in Vile Speech (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Credit: Fox News

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Paris Olympic organizers allowed a reenactment of The Last Supper with drag queens during the 2024 Olympics ceremony.

In the sickening opening ceremony, the scantily dressed drag queens stood behind a long table while mocking one of the most sacred images in all of Christianity. Worse, a young child was also spotted standing beside the drag queens during the performance.

People all over the world, including tech companies, have banded together to boycott the games in a remarkable display of putting principle ahead over profit and entertainment.

One would think that Democrats would like to join in, if only because doing so is good politics. But that is not happening at all.

Fox News obtained a video Sunday of self-proclaimed Christian Jill Biden slobbering over how incredible the anti-Christian display was while wondering how Los Angeles, which is hosting the Olympics in 2028, will top this. As the outlet notes, she was leading the U.S. delegation to the Olympics on taxpayer dime instead of caring for her ailing husband, Joe.


BIDEN: It was spectacular! The rain did not dampen our spirits…Every step of the way, I was thinking to myself, oh my god, oh my god. How are we going to top this?

So, ok. Paris has the Eiffel Tower, but we have Hollywood and the magic of Hollywood that makes all dreams come true.

I think we’re going to be ok.… It’s a city where new generations of dreamers shape our culture.

With statements like this, it becomes laughable when Democrats claim that decency is on the ballot in November. First Lady Melania Trump and her husband, President Donald Trump, would never make a statement like this.

Come November, Democrats deserve the Bud Light treatment like the Olympics are receiving at the moment.

The post “It Was Spectacular!” – Jill Biden Gushes Over Sick Anti-Christian Olympic Ceremony in Vile Speech (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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