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Senator Tom Cotton on Kamala Harris: “A San Francisco Liberal Who Cannot Keep This Country Safe” (VIDEO)


Republican Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) joined CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday with Jake Tapper to discuss Kamala Harris’ record of being a “San Francisco liberal.” They also discussed the recent attack on Israel that targeted a soccer field killing at least 11 people, primarily children and very young adults, and wounding at least 40 others.

The post Senator Tom Cotton on Kamala Harris: “A San Francisco Liberal Who Cannot Keep This Country Safe” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) joined CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday with Jake Tapper to discuss Kamala Harris’ record of being a “San Francisco liberal.”

They also discussed the recent attack on Israel that targeted a soccer field killing at least 11 people, primarily children and very young adults, and wounding at least 40 others.

“What do you know about the Israeli response and how worried are you that this could escalate into a larger regional conflict?” Tapper asked.

“Well Jake, what I’m worried about is Iranian-backed terrorists continuing to blow up innocent children in Israel. That’s what we saw yesterday in this heinous attack,” Senator Cotton said.

“This week Kamala Harris in her very first statement and still to my knowledge only statement on a matter of great public importance came out after a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu and equivocated between Hamas and Israel and effectively blamed Israel for civilian casualties in Gaza or for the lack of food in Gaza that Hamas is diverting from aid stations,” Cotton continued.

“This is who Kamala Harris always has been, this is who she will be, a San Francisco liberal who cannot keep this country safe,” Cotton continued.


Since this is CNN, they had to make a big deal about President Trump making a joke to conservative Christians about not having to vote after he is back in office.

Senator Cotton came to Trump’s defense about the statement.

“I want you to take a listen to something former President Trump said Friday night at a gathering of conservative Christians,” Tapper said.

“In 4 years you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote,” Trump said.

“I think he was obviously making a joke about how bad things have been under Joe Biden and how good they’ll be if we send President Trump back to the White House so he can turn the country around again,” Cotton said.

“Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, everything has gone to hell, and it will be much worse under Kamala Harris. Just look at her record,” Senator Cotton continued.

“Kamala Harris is a dangerous liberal. She makes Joe Biden look competent and moderate by contrast,” Senator Cotton said.


The post Senator Tom Cotton on Kamala Harris: “A San Francisco Liberal Who Cannot Keep This Country Safe” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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