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Strictly’s Katya Jones reveals she flew to Paris to watch former partner Adam Peaty win Olympic silver medal


STRICTLY Come Dancing pro Katya Jones flew out to Paris to support former celeb partner Adam Peaty compete in the Olympics. 

Swimmer Adam, who was partnered with Katya in the 2021 series, picked up the silver medal in the Men’s 100m Breaststroke Final on Sunday – and had a team of family and friends there to support him.

Instagram / @katyajones
Katya joined Adam’s mum, son and girlfriend to at the major event[/caption]
Adam and Katya were partnered up in the 2021 series[/caption]
Instagram / @katyajones
The pair have remained pals since their time on the show[/caption]

While some pros of the show are coming under fire for their treatment of their celebs, it seems Katya and Adam built a friendship to last.

After rehearsals for this year’s series, which started this week, Katya hopped over to mainland Europe in order to get there in time.

Sharing pictures from inside the stadium, Katya posed for selfies with Adam’s proud mum Caroline, his three-year-old son, George-Anderson Adetola Peaty, and his new girlfriend, Holly Ramsay. 

Holly, daughter of Gordon Ramsay, has been dating the swimmer for the past year, first meeting via her sister, Tilly Ramsay, who competed on Strictly in the same year as Adam.

She beamed proudly next to Katya as the group cheered Adam on. 

Posting the pictures on Instagram, Katya shared her pride for her friend, and wrote: “He did it.

“I have so much respect for this guy. Such a wholesome human, which shows in and out of the pool. As he said, in his heart he has won. And he will always be our champion.” 

“Well done [Mel Marshall, Adam’s trainer], we know it won’t be possible without you,” she added. 

“It felt very personal last night to be there and watch him swim. And so special to be part of the support gang for Adam!” 

Sara Davies, who also competed in Strictly, replied to the post: “Awwwww so special you were there!” 

Katya and Adam became close during their time together on Strictly Come Dancing, lasting seven weeks in the competition together before they were eliminated.

Before losing to Tilly Ramsay and Nikita Kuzmin in the dreaded dance-off, Katya was reported at the time to have had a “backstage meltdown” over unfair scoring from the judges.

The pair later had a teary goodbye during an interview on It Takes Two, with Adam admitting the “journey was hard” and “not all laughs and smiles on a Saturday night”.

“I don’t know, just everything, we’ve been so privileged to have our Olympic hero come back from the Olympics and throw himself completely out of his comfort zone,” she told Rylan.

“I’ve just loved every single day. I’m sure everyone will be very grateful for those tight trousers! And just to rising up to a challenge and inspire everyone. You can do anything if you apply yourself.”

Laughing off her tears, she added: “I’m still not ready to go!”

The pair lasted seven weeks in the competition before being eliminated[/caption]
Instagram / @katyajones
Delighted Katya shared pictures and clips from inside the stadium[/caption]

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