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Watch the moment Love Island fans claim ‘proves’ couple are faking it for final saying ‘he’s SO manipulative’


LOVE Island fans are convinced a couple faked their feelings in last night’s final and have branded the boy “manipulative”.

Matilda and Sean finished the 2024 series in third place, just ahead of Ayo and Jessica in fourth.

Love Island viewers aren’t buying Matilda and Sean’s connection
Sean declared his love for Matilda in front of their co-stars

Though they made it to the very last episode, viewers don’t think they will stand the test of time.

And in one telling moment, they believe Matilda looked pained as Sean declared his love for her in front of their co-stars (and the nation).

Looking into her eyes, Sean said: “There’s one last thing I need to say to you. I love you.”

Smiling, Matilda doubled over, before saying: “Ah Sean. I love you too.”

However, many at home weren’t convinced by her body language.

“Does anyone believe Matilda?” asked on viewer on X. “She looked like she was in pain. Sean was very manipulative by saying he loves Matilda AGAIN during the final speeches forcing her to say it back, it was giving public proposal when the man knows she will say NO!”

Another wrote: “Sean saying I love to again in public when she didn’t say it back in bed is a little manipulative no?”

A third said: “Sean repeating I love you after getting aired was braveee kinda manipulative cause is girl not gonna say it back when its in front of everyone?”

A fourth shared: “Ronnie was right she would never go for him on the outside and she was playing a game all along.”

While a fifth simply said: “Matilda will dump him.”

Matilda and Sean faced criticism from their peers in the penultimate episode of the series.

Dumped Islanders – including Samantha Kenny and Ronnie Vint – made their comeback to have their say on who would reach the final.

Semi-professional footballer Ronnie, 28, who is seeing co-star Harriet Blackmore, 24, took no prisoners in his assessment of Sean and Matilda’s relationship.

When it was his turn to vote for which couple he wanted to see eliminated, he took the chance to issue a warning to Matilda.

He told the group: “Missed you all man.

“You’re all smashing it but obviously, knowing Matilda on the outside, I don’t think you’d couple up with Sean.

Mimii and Josh were crowned series winners[/caption]
Maya Jama was on top form for the series closer

“And I feel like this connection in here is just in here.”

Targeting his next words at Sean, he said: “The obsession with another couple in here, I feel like you’ve took your eye off the real reason you’re in here.

“So the couple I am going to send home is Sean and Matilda.”

After a huge pause, in which the duo stayed silent, host Maya Jama said: “So you think Sean’s obsessed with Jess and Ayo, and Josh and Mimii?”

Ronnie added: “Yeah, the way its come across and what I’m seeing.

“I feel like these two have got something good, I feel like these two [the two couples] have got something special, you know what I’m saying?”

Directing his comments to the sweet seller, he said: “What you’ve got there is special.

“Just concentrate on that.”

Sean took some responsibility, replying: “I have been very opinionated in here.

“But I feel what we’ve got is special, so I appreciate you comments.”

Maya flagged that Matilda looked less than impressed at her pal’s analysis.

Matilda clapped back: “I don’t get the outside world comment because he’s seen one person that I’ve been with.”

Ronnie interjected: “It’s nothing persona to you, I love you, you know that.

“But I’m just seeing what I’ve seen.

“And going on the outside world I don’t think it’ll last – that’s my reason.”

Love Island line-up 2024

Love Island is back on the box with a batch of sexy islanders all looking for love this summer.

The Girls

  • Mimii Ngulube – Student nurse Mimii Ngulube has swapped Portsmouth for Majorca.
  • Nicole Samuel – Account manager and former champion dancer Nicole Samuel is a 2024 Islander.
  • Jessica Spencer – Casa Amor stunner Jess is a fashion designer.
  • Grace Jackson – Joey Essex’s ex and model Grace Jackson entered as a bombshell.
  • Matilda Draper – Christian Matilda Draper has a Bible text tattoo
  • Jessy Potts – Brand Partnerships Associate Jessy Potts entered as a bombshell

The Boys



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