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Opposition Leaders Offer Proof That Venezuelan Elections Were Stolen By Communist Tyrant Maduro – Then Regime Blocks Website


This article originally appeared on GatewayHispanic.com and was republished with permission.

The post Opposition Leaders Offer Proof That Venezuelan Elections Were Stolen By Communist Tyrant Maduro – Then Regime Blocks Website appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

This article originally appeared on GatewayHispanic.com and was republished with permission.

Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González joined by Maria Corina Machado earlier today spoke at a press conference and stated that they have the proof they needed to show that Edmundo was the winner of the country’s highly anticipated presidential election.

Maria Corina Machado claimed that Nicolás Maduro received 2.7 million votes and Edmundo González more than 6 million votes.

As they spoke, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of many cities in Venezuela to protest and denounce that the regime had stolen once again the election in which both candidates claimed victory.

Later in the day, the regime blocked the link to the opposition party’s website where they offered their proof of the stolen election.

On X, protests showed anti-Chavistas toppling several statues of former President Hugo Chávez.

Second Hugo Chávez statue was just toppled in Venezuela by anti-socialist protestors

At least one person was seriously injured or deceased from gunfire by Chavista security agents in Aragua state.


The next 24 hours will be key in seeing how Maduro responds to these protests. If he does not accept the results that he lost, there could be a new wave of unrest against the regime.

So far, President Nicolás Maduro dismissed the opposition’s accusations, as unsupported. “This is a desperate attempt by the fascist right to destabilize the country. The elections were fair and transparent,” declared Jorge Rodríguez, head of Maduro’s campaign command.

Some critics argue that although Machado claimed to have all the evidence of the fraud she is not supporting actively supporting protests as she also called for calm and peace, urging her supporters to remain firm but peaceful in their demand for electoral justice. “We cannot allow our victory to be stolen. Let’s maintain hope and faith in a better future for Venezuela,” she concluded.

Elon Musk has been actively tweeting throughout the day and sharing videos and pictures pf the protests:

At the diplomatic level, the Venezuelan dictatorship announced today that it was suspending diplomatic relations with Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay.

It announced that it withdrew all its diplomatic personnel and demands that these countries do the same with ️

Milei responded to Maduro’s attacks with the following statement “The insults from Dictator Maduro are compliments to me. He is coincidentally echoing the same grievances as many “well-meaning” journalists from Argentina, whose weak positions allow Maduro’s atrocities to be legitimized.”


Anti-Chavista protesters also removed the Cuban flag from a public square, showing its influence on Venezuela.

The act reflected dissatisfaction with the prolonged Cuban and communist influence in Venezuela

Chavista police repressed the residents of Petare with tear gas and pellets as they march westward

Tonight, opposition protesters marched near El Helicoide, Venezuela’s main political prison

Even the Communist Party of Venezuela joined the uprising against Chavismo:

“The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) calls on genuinely democratic, popular, and patriotic forces to unite to defend the will of the people”

At night, we could see videos of armed Chavista collectives ready to kill civilians in Caracas.

Dictator Maduro placed snipers on the buildings surrounding his residence in the Palace of Miraflores.

The post Opposition Leaders Offer Proof That Venezuelan Elections Were Stolen By Communist Tyrant Maduro – Then Regime Blocks Website appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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