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I tried to join the Mile High Club but it was the most mortifying experience – the flight attendant woke half the plane


A MAN has revealed trying to join the Mile High Club with his girlfriend ended up being the most “mortifying moment” of his life.

He explained that he and his other half “really wanted to try” getting intimate on an aeroplane mid-flight – an act referred to as the Mile High Club – so they decided to book a red eye, “thinking no-one would pay” any attention to them.

A man has revealed getting caught trying to join the mile high club with his girlfriend was one of the most “mortifying” moments of his life[/caption]
Many couples have tried to get intimate on a plane mid-flight, so they can boast they are part of the “club”[/caption]

But, as another couple found out when they were hauled off an EasyJet flight for performing a sex act under some coats, things can sometimes go horribly wrong.

He explained that his girlfriend went into the toilet first, while he followed a few minutes later.

As they were already aroused, things kicked off quickly, but just as they were getting into the swing of it, a stewardess began “banging on the door, saying ‘Come out right now! I know what you are doing in there!’

“We look at each other in horror and I instantly lose my erection,” he admitted in the post on Reddit.

The pair then buttoned themselves up and “skulked out”, to “major stink eye from everyone sitting nearby”, as he admitted “several people were woken up by the stewardess yelling”.

After that, the couple had to sit through the rest of the flight in “extreme shame”, with the man admitting he was still sexually frustrated too.

The angry stewardess – who he said was a “middle-aged mum-type, not a cool young Redditting type – then pointed out the pair to the captain as they were getting off the flight.

“1/5 would not repeat,” he concluded.

“I turned red just reading that,” one person admitted in the comments section.

“I would have come out the bathroom and would have said ‘how dare you? She is afraid of flying and I’m here helping her and you are going to try to embarrass us?’ and walk away,” another wrote.

“I did something similar to this when me and my other half were having sex on a train,” someone else said.

“We used that line when people started banging on the door.

“My other half started fake gagging and crying and whoever was banging on the door left.

“So it worked pretty well.”

However, they added that they “wouldn’t recommend”, as there’s “barely any ventilation” and “railway toilets are absolutely disgusting”.

While someone else wrote: “As a matter of fact, having sex on a place is not illegal.

“Disregarding instructions from a flight attendant, such as being told to leave the bathroom while you are having sex is illegal.”

Is joining the mile high club actually illegal?

HAVING sex during a flight might sound exciting to some, but it comes with a risk of getting caught and landing yourself in legal trouble.

Many over the years have bragged about joining the so-called ‘Mile-High Club’ – but here’s what the law says.

There is no such law in Britain that forbids someone from having sex on a plane.

However, there are some offences you’re at risk of committing.

Under section 71 of the Sexual Offences Act 2004, it is illegal to have sex in a toilet which the public has access to.

Offenders risk a six-month prison sentence or a £1,000 fine.

Outraging public decency under common law could also be argued if it was proven that at least one person may have seen the act.

“You’ve just got to work up the courage and go for it,” another added.

“Go to the toilets at the back of the plane so no one is facing them and go at a time when there are not any queues.”

“The trick I found was moderately-sized daytime flights,” someone else wrote.

“Many people think they should do overnight flights but the crews are usually sizable and you’re likely to get caught.”

When she realised what the couple were doing on the flight, the stewardess banged furiously on the toilet door[/caption]

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