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5 Movies That Have The Best Fall Foliage To Celebrate The Season


These five movies are the epitome of autumn.

It’s late September and as much as I love summer and enjoy all the festivities, my body is so ready for the fall. I need soup, a hoodie, and some crunchy leaves to walk around on. Fall foliage is singlehandedly the prettiest part of fall, and I love nothing more than watching the leaves change. This inspires me to want to watch all the fall movies I can as I watch the leaves change in real-time. Quite a few movies feature beautiful fall scenery and will get you into the mood to celebrate autumn, but below are the five that I find to epitomize fall on the screen.

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Walt Disney

The first movie that comes to mind when I think of fall is Hocus Pocus. The 1993 Halloween classic truly captures the beauty of Salem, Massachusetts. This especially rings true when Max (Omri Katz) rides his bike following Allison (Vinessa Shaw) through a park as all the trees are orange and yellow around them. Everyone in the park is wearing letterman jackets and hoodies, and enjoying the crisp, autumn air. You can almost smell the scent of cinnamon in the air in these scenes.

When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Columbia Pictures

When Harry Met Sally captures some truly iconic scenes in New York City during the fall. Central Park is such a wonderful place to be as the leaves are changing and it’ll truly make you romanticize your life as you walk through, which is also what this movie will do as you watch it. The leaves changing is also a solid representation of Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally’s (Meg Ryan) ever-evolving relationship. You’ll watch When Harry Met Sally and want to book your flight to New York City to feel the way these two did walking the park.

Practical Magic (1998)

Warner Bros.

Autumn is spooky season time, so it only makes sense that Practical Magic makes the list. Fall feels perfect in a small town where Sarah (Sandra Bullock) works and raises her family. A small town by the water that is full of mom-and-pop shops and farmers markets is so cozy. Plus, add in all the witchcraft, the flowy outfits, and the moody scenery and you have everything that makes autumn special in New England fall.

The Cider House Rules (1999)


The Cider House Rules is a World War II film set in Maine, where New England really shines for being the prettiest place to be during the changing of the leaves. As the film reveals a coming-of-age story, the backdrop of Maine throughout the changing of the seasons is warm and beautiful for everyone watching. This helps, as The Cider House Rules is a very emotional and at times, gut-wrenching story. While watching, you can almost feel the crisp fall air dancing around you and the comfort of the landscape will keep your eyes glued to the screen.

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Paramount Pictures

Sleepy Hollow is a bit moodier of a film, as are all Tim Burton films, so truly they all could epitomize the fall feeling. However, Sleepy Hollow sets itself apart as it takes place around Halloween and features pumpkins, cold weather, and spooky ghosts. The contrast of bright reds around the cloudy, forlorn sky shows off how beautiful autumn is as we sip our warm apple cider.

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