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KP govt again claims it was unaware of foreign envoys’ Swat visit


PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has repeated its claim that it was unaware of the recent visit of foreign diplomats to Swat district before a terrorist attack targeted them.

“The federal government didn’t inform us about the foreign diplomats’ Sept 22 visit to Swat,” spokesman for the KP government Barrister Mohammad Ali Saif said in an official statement here on Wednesday.

He alleged that the federal government was politicising the Swat attack on foreign diplomats in order to cover up security lapses on its part.

On Sept 22, a convoy of ambassadors from 12 countries was targeted by an improvised explosive device on the Malam Jabba Road in Swat.

The diplomats remained unhurt but a police mobile van escorting them was hit by the bomb blast, martyring a policeman and injuring five others.

Saif alleges centre is ‘politicising’ Sept 22 terror attack on diplomats’ convoy

The foreigners later left for Islamabad without police escort fearing another terrorist attack.

The next day, provincial housing minister Dr Amjad Ali claimed that his government was not informed about the envoys’ visit, triggering a controversy.

During a provincial assembly sitting, he wondered how militants learned about the presence of foreign diplomats in Swat when the provincial government, local media and residents were unaware of it. He claimed that the people learned about the attack only after the international media reported it.

Mr Saif echoed the assertion and said had the federal government informed the provincial government about the visit in advance, the latter would have taken proper measures for the security of visitors.

However, a Sept 9 Foreign Office letter to the KP home department belied the government’s claim.

The letter, a copy of which is available with Dawn, communicated the diplomats’ visit to the department and requested security arrangements.

The letter, a copy of which is available with Dawn, revealed that the Foreign Office received a formal request from ICCI president Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawri on Sept 5 for security regarding the envoys’ Swat tour.

“It is requested to ensure the required security arrangements under the rules, policy and prescribed SOPs [standard operating procedures] during the visit/stay of foreigners in your area of jurisdiction, please,” the letter read.

Meanwhile, the commissioner of Malakand Division formally updated the regional police officer and Swat deputy commissioner on Sept 10 about that visit.

“It is requested to ensure required security arrangements under rules/policy and prescribed SOPs during the visit/stay of foreigners in your area of jurisdiction to avoid any untoward incident,” the commissioner’s letter read.

In Friday’s statement, Mr Saif also said that a committee had been formed by the chief minister to probe the Swat attack on the foreign diplomats’ convoy.

He also spoke about a law and order situation in Kurram tribal district and revealed that the warring sides had agreed to a ceasefire due to the successful efforts of the local administration, police, and elders.

The spokesman said that the tensions arose over a land dispute and had nothing to do with religious sectarianism or militancy.

He also said that a committee had been formed to investigate Thursday’s bomb blast inside a police station in Swabi district.

Mr Saif said that strict action would be taken if any official was found negligent of duties.

Published in Dawn, September 28th, 2024

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