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Gaza-born Palestinian dad is only fatality in Israel from Iran’s 181 missile blitz after rocket shrapnel fell from sky


A PALESTINIAN labourer was the sole victim of Iran’s thwarted 181 missile blitz of Israel, it was revealed today.

Father-of-three Sameh al-Asali, 37, was killed instantly by falling shrapnel from ballistic missiles fired from western Iran on Tuesday night.

The moment the shrapnel fell and hit Sameh al-Asali[/caption]
The shrapnel that killed the dad on the street in Jericho[/caption]
The 37-year-old labourer was the only victim of the missile barrage[/caption]
Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets after Iran unleashed missiles[/caption]

And in another tragic twist, his grieving family revealed he was born in Jabalia in Gaza – the stronghold of Israel’s terrorist enemy Hamas.

No other deaths were reported early today – but at least four people were said to have suffered minor wounds inside Israel while others were hurt running for cover as debris fell.

Jericho governor Hussein Hamayel told AFP: “A Palestinian worker in Jericho was killed when pieces of a rocket fell from the sky and hit him.”

Al-Asali was struck in the West Bank village of Nu’eima near Jericho and four other Palestinians were reportedly injured by shrapnel from the same missile.

An image of his body circulating on social media showed a metres-long missile casing lying next to the victim’s sheet-covered body.

He was one of the thousands of Gazan labourers given Israeli work permits who were stranded in Israel on October 7 and sought refuge in the West Bank.

The IDF said that it intercepted “a large number” of the 181 ballistic missiles launched by Iran at Israel, thanks to the country’s air in cooperation with US and British air forces.

Jordan said that it also intercepted a number of missiles and drones over its airspace.

Iran claimed its missile attack had succeeded in striking 90 per cent of its targets amid scenes of jubilation on the streets of capital Tehran.

But western experts discounted the claims and analysts branded the blitz another embarrassing flop and a 320 missile and drone attack in April was also repelled.

Israel Defence Forces’ Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari branded the multiple strikes “a severe and dangerous escalation” and warned “There will be consequences.”

Hagari added: “There were a small number of hits in the centre of Israel, and other hits in Southern Israel.

“The majority of the incoming missiles were intercepted by Israel and a defensive coalition led by the United States.

It comes as…

“Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest levels of readiness.

“Our operational plans are ready. We will respond wherever, whenever, and however we choose, in accordance with the directive of the government of Israel.

“Iran and its proxies have been attacking Israel since the 7th of October on 7 fronts. Iran and its proxies seek the destruction of Israel.

“The Israel Defense Forces will continue doing everything  necessary to defend the State of Israel and protect the people of Israel.”

After an initial damage assessment was completed, IDF Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi said: “We have proven our ability to prevent the enemy from achieving success, through the combination of exemplary civilian conduct and a very strong Aerial Defense Array.

“We will choose when to exact the price and demonstrate our precise and surprising offensive capabilities, in accordance with the directive of the political echelon.”

Israel was today planning a major response to the Iranian missile attack likely to hit Iranian oil plants and air defence system – and may also include targeted assassinations.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last night that “Iran made a big mistake tonight and it will pay for it”.

US President Joe Biden confirmed that the US – which has moved a huge naval fleet into the region – working with Israel to fine-tune the response.

Projectiles are seen in the sky after Iran fired a salvo of ballistic missiles[/caption]
A restaurant damaged during the Iranian attacks in Tel Aviv[/caption]
Palestinians investigate a projectile in Tubas[/caption]

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