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Father of triplets died falling down stairs on ‘lads and dads’ golfing trip at luxury hotel


A FATHER of triplets died after falling down stairs on a “lads and dads” golfing trip at a luxury hotel.

Edward Sidgwick was looking for his room at the four star Dunston Hall hotel near Norwich, Norfolk, when the tragedy unfolded.

East Anglia News Service
Edward Sidgwick died falling down the stairs at a luxury hotel[/caption]

The 53-year-old initially took a lift upstairs before remembering his room was actually on the ground floor.

Edward then made his way back downstairs where an inquest heard he likely stumbled and hit his head on the corner of a wall.

Norfolk Coroner’s Court heard the banking consultant was more than three times over the drink-drive limit.

He had first enjoyed a “debrief beer” with his son Robert, 24, his brother, two nephews and three friends after a day of golf on June 15.

Robert told the inquest it was the first time the younger generation had been able to join a “lads and dads” golf tour.

The group then headed back to their rooms to get ready for an evening meal at 6pm.

During this time, Edward phoned his wife Joanna to tell her “what a great day” they all had.

When the group finished their dinner, they headed to the hotel bar where the dad was refused service as he was too drunk, the court was told.

Staff said he took this “in good spirits” and decided to return to his bedroom at the 19th century hotel.

Edward was discovered just before midnight by members of his group, who at first thought he had fallen asleep.

But when he failed to wake up, paramedics were called and discovered he was in cardiac arrest and had suffered a serious head injury.

Edward was tragically declared dead at the scene, with his cause of death given as traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage associated with a skull fracture due to a severe traumatic head injury.

The post mortem also cited “excessive alcohol intake” as a secondary cause.

Norfolk Police trawled the hotel’s CCTV and said Edward seemed to be able to walk “reasonably well” as he left the bar.

He pauses at the bottom of the stairs to look at his phone before entering the lift.

Police said he entered and exited the lift three more times before going in a final time.

The court was told the hotel had no CCTV on the upper floors so it is not clear where Edward got out.

He was discovered on the stairs around seven minutes later, the force confirmed.

His mobile was found on the floor near him, which suggested he may have been using it while walking down the steps.

The police report added: “Mr Sidgwick and his group all had rooms located downstairs on the bottom floor.

“It appears that he had been unsure of where his room was located and has taken a lift upstairs and then realised he needs to go downstairs and has decided to take the stairs instead of a lift.

“It looked like he had stumbled down some stairs and hit his head on the corner of a wall.

“There were no tripping hazards, and it appears the likely cause of the fall would be down to Mr Sidgwick’s intoxication.”

Coroner Christopher Leach recorded a verdict of alcohol-related death.

He said: “Mr Sidgwick was a committed family man who was clearly dedicated to and proud of his loving family.

“It was during the course of a family event that Mr Sidgwick sadly passed away.

“Mr Sidgwick’s fatal head injury was most likely due to the fall sustained around the time of death and that high alcohol levels rather than some other medical condition or an accident had likely contributed to the fall.”

Edward’s wife paid tribute following the inquest, saying he was a “dedicated family man” and a “hands-on dad”.

Joanna added: “At the end of the working week, Ted liked to unwind with the dog, rugby, and a beer in a bar room we have in the garden. He took pride in our home.”

East Anglia News Service
Edward had been on a golfing trip at Dunston Hall hotel[/caption]

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