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Newcastle to build brand new stadium even if they don’t leave St James’ Park as new details of £1billion plan emerge


NEWCASTLE UNITED could completely rebuild St. James’ Park in a huge redevelopment project for the area instead of just expanding.

Plans have already been drawn up for a £1bn-plus rebuild of the stadium as well as for a new state-of-the-art ground from scratch away from the city centre.

Newcastle United’s current home seats 52,000 fans
A £1bn rebuild of St. James’ Park has been mooted
Eddie Howe has revealed it would be a ‘betrayal’ if Newcastle left St. James’ Park

Boss Eddie Howe admitted on Friday that it would feel like a “betrayal” to leave St. James’ but the club have said no update on a decision will be made until early next year.

However, it is has now been revealed the potential plan is far greater than just expanding their 52,000-seater home.

It was thought that the Gallowgate End and East Stand would be reconstructed but the idea is to actually build a huge multi-purpose venue on SJP’s existing site which would take the capacity up to around 70,000.

The stadium could also be knocked down and rebuilt further away from the Grade A-listed buildings that are currently scuppering expansion of the East Stand.

Not only would that mean that nearby roads would have to be reconstructed and a multi-story car park being knocked down.

However, the council are not yet believed to have been involved in what have only so far been internal talks over the project.

Another possible option for the club could be to build on Leazes Park, which is next to St. James’, which would also please Howe as it would mean keeping their special location.

The Toon boss said: “The positioning where it is in the city is totally unique.

“I’d hate to see the stadium move from its current position because it dominates the eyeline of the whole city and you can see it from miles around. That’s really inspiring.

“Wherever you are in Newcastle, you get a glimpse and, personally, I always think to the next game where we are going to be there.

“It’s not necessarily the biggest, there’s just something about the look of the stadium and the feel of it. When you’re there it’s just a great place to play football.

“When you’re in it, I don’t know how it creates it, but the atmosphere, the look of the stadium, is a beautiful thing. I love being there, I love experiencing games there and I love winning there. That’s the best bit.”

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