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Live in One of These Swing States? Double-Check Your Voter Registration Status Here and Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote!

Erik (HASH) Hersman from Orlando, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Americans in nearly every state face looming deadlines to ensure they’re eligible to cast their votes.

At a recent Trump rally, tech billionaire Elon Musk delivered a stark warning to Americans: this could be the last election if voters don’t take action now.

Musk said during the rally:

“I think this election is the most important election of our lifetime. This is no ordinary election. The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They want to take away your right to vote effectively.

This one request is very important: register to vote. Get everyone you know—and everyone you don’t know—and drag them to register to vote. There’s only two days left to register in Georgia and Arizona. Forty-eight hours. Text people now. Now. And then make sure they actually do vote.

If they don’t, this will be the last election. That’s my prediction. Nothing’s more important.

So, speaking to people out there—everyone in the crowd, I think, is already convinced—but for people out there watching the video, watching the livestream, you need to get everyone at work, your friends, family, text groups, social media, everything, to register to vote right now.

Only two days left for Georgia and Arizona. Only a couple of weeks left in Pennsylvania. If they’re not registered to vote, it doesn’t matter at that point. I’m being repetitive for a reason: nothing is more important.

A lot of people think maybe their vote doesn’t count. Well, it does. It does. It matters. This election could be decided by a thousand votes, 500 votes, a tiny margin. So get everyone to vote… Double-check that your registration is good. Don’t take it for granted.”

As Musk’s call to action suggests, the importance of the 2024 election cannot be overstated, especially for those living in swing states. If you’re a resident of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, or Nevada, double-check your voter registration today using the links provided below.

Don’t assume you’re registered—verify it now! If you’re not registered, these links will guide you through the process to ensure your vote is counted when it matters most.

Swing States and Voter Registration Links:

Across the country, deadlines for voter registration are rapidly approaching. Make sure you are fully prepared to cast your ballot by knowing your state’s deadline. Many states allow you to register online, by mail, or even in person on Election Day, but others may have earlier cutoff dates.

Here’s a breakdown of voter registration deadlines by state. Remember, your vote could be the one that secures freedom for future generations!

State-by-State Registration Deadlines

Below is a quick look at the voter registration deadlines across all 50 states:

  • Alabama: October 21, 2024
  • Alaska: October 6, 2024
  • Arizona: October 7, 2024
  • Arkansas: October 6, 2024 (No online registration)
  • California: October 21, 2024
  • Colorado: October 28, 2024 (by mail/online), Election Day (in person)
  • Connecticut: October 18, 2024 (by mail/online), Election Day (in person)
  • Delaware: October 12, 2024
  • District of Columbia: October 15, 2024, Election Day (in person)
  • Florida: October 7, 2024
  • Georgia: October 7, 2024
  • Hawaii: October 26, 2024, Election Day (in person)
  • Idaho: October 11, 2024, Election Day
  • Illinois: October 8, 2024 (by mail), October 20, 2024 (online), Election Day
  • Indiana: October 7, 2024
  • Iowa: October 21, 2024 (by mail/online), Election Day
  • Kansas: October 15, 2024
  • Kentucky: October 7, 2024
  • Louisiana: October 7, 2024 (in person/mail), October 15, 2024 (online)
  • Maine: October 15, 2024, Election Day
  • Maryland: October 15, 2024, Election Day
  • Massachusetts: October 26, 2024
  • Michigan: October 21, 2024 (by mail/online), Election Day
  • Minnesota: October 15, 2024, Election Day
  • Mississippi: October 7, 2024 (No online registration)
  • Missouri: October 9, 2024
  • Montana: October 7, 2024, Election Day (No online registration)
  • Nebraska: October 18, 2024 (by mail/online), October 25, 2024 (in person)
  • Nevada: October 8, 2024 (by mail), Election Day (in person/online)
  • New Hampshire: Election Day (varies by town)
  • New Jersey: October 15, 2024
  • New Mexico: October 8, 2024 (by mail/online), November 2, 2024 (county clerk’s office)
  • New York: October 21, 2024 (mail), October 26, 2024 (in person/online)
  • North Carolina: October 11, 2024, Election Day
  • North Dakota: No registration required
  • Ohio: October 7, 2024
  • Oklahoma: October 11, 2024 (No online registration)
  • Oregon: October 15, 2024
  • Pennsylvania: October 21, 2024
  • Rhode Island: October 6, 2024
  • South Carolina: October 4, 2024 (in person), October 6, 2024 (online), October 7, 2024 (by mail)
  • South Dakota: October 21, 2024 (No online registration)
  • Tennessee: October 7, 2024
  • Texas: October 7, 2024 (No online registration)
  • Utah: October 25, 2024 (by mail/online), Election Day (in person)
  • Vermont: Election Day (November 5, 2024)
  • Virginia: October 14, 2024 (by mail/online), Election Day
  • Washington: October 28, 2024 (by mail/online), Election Day
  • West Virginia: October 15, 2024
  • Wisconsin: October 16, 2024 (by mail), Election Day
  • Wyoming: October 22, 2024 (by mail), Election Day (No online registration)

This is more than just a vote—it’s about safeguarding the very principles America was founded on. Musk’s warning should serve as a wake-up call to every conservative.

The left wants to destroy the bedrock of our democracy by dismantling free speech, infringing on the Second Amendment, and stacking the courts with judges who’ll rubber-stamp their progressive agenda.

If we don’t act now, 2024 could mark the end of free elections as we know them. Don’t let that happen—make sure you, your family, and friends are all registered and ready to vote. The future of the country depends on it!

The post Live in One of These Swing States? Double-Check Your Voter Registration Status Here and Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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