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Johan Lange explains Daniel Levy’s role in Tottenham transfers now


Johan Lange has explained how Daniel Levy helps in the club’s efforts to sign their transfer targets.

Photo by Robin Jones/Getty Images

Levy’s involvement is not popular

Over the years, a significant portion of the Tottenham fan base have called for Levy to remove himself from the footballing decisions at the club, with many feeling that his record in that respect does not stand up to scrutiny.

While the Spurs chairman has appointed a number of sporting directors during his tenure to oversee the footballing side, he does remain involved in transfer negotiations.

Lange explains Levy’s role

Lange has now explained that Levy’s know-how and contact books come in handy in helping the club pursue certain targets.

The Spurs sporting director confirmed that while the 62-year-old does remain hands-on in negotiations, he does not offer his opinion on which players the club should go for.

When asked about Levy’s role, Lange told The Standard: “Daniel has great experience and a fantastic network. Not to play to that strength would be silly.

Ange and I have ongoing discussions all the time about the squad. It’s far from only about transfers… [but] of course, when we come close to the window, it’s about how we want to ideally end up after the window.

“When I speak with Daniel and Scott Munn [chief football officer], it’s more about strategy and developing the club overall. Daniel’s network can play a part in some transactions, case by case, but he will never go in and have an opinion about whether a certain player is a good fit or not.”

Photo by SpursWeb

Rebuild not complete

Lange explained that the club were determined to get rid of many of the fringe players heading into the summer window.

However, he pointed out that a full rebuild cannot be completed in just a couple of windows and that it will take time for Tottenham to get to the place that they want to.

When asked about the ruthless manager in which Spurs moved on their deadwood this summer, he responded: “[That is] is definitely deliberate. A lot of players who left in the summer came to a natural conclusion of their time at the club. I think they also saw it that way themselves.

“If you have too big a turnaround in a window, that’s not necessarily positive. We had a lot of players leaving, but building a squad is not something you do overnight. It takes a lot of careful consideration.”

The post Johan Lange explains Daniel Levy’s role in Tottenham transfers now appeared first on Spurs Web.

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