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Less Than a Month Until We Vote For The Next President Of The United States


By Ron Signore

It is October 6, 2024. We have less than a month until election day, the Vice-Presidential debate between Hillbilly Vanilli and Tim Walz took place. The likelihood of that debate changing anyone’s mind for who they will vote for in the election is slim to none, but it is good to see how each camp has a succession plan if the VP needs to take the lead during a term in the White House.

I have no interest in watching any further debates if we continue down the path we are heading. First, it is clear rules mean nothing, but even those rules are completely nonsense. It makes no sense to watch anything anymore if fact checking is not going to be practiced. As far as I am concerned, by not fact checking during a debate, at least concept checking, the information is for nothing but show. It just becomes a license to lie.

When Hillbilly Vanilli broke the fourth wall and addressed being fact checked by claiming fact checking was not part of the rules they agreed upon, I realized I knew all I needed to know. There was nothing of substance that could be validated by anything he said going forward. He immediately lost all credibility. Like a corrupt judge who gets caught fixing a case, you have to question all the cases verdicts he presided over. Every single thing that came out of his mouth was now subject to scrutiny.

I do not care if he claimed that Biden had added $5T of debt to the national debt when it is actually more in the $4T range. But if he had said Biden had added the most money to the national debt, id expect a fact check that shows supporting fact that it was indeed Chump who about doubled the amount of money added to the national debt in 4 years than Biden since 2021. That is what I mean by concepts of fact checking. Which, in my mind was actually what was fact checked last night claiming the legal population of Haitians in Springfield, OH.

It just shows the depths of what this country has come to. The desire to be pandered to over the sake of the truth. It is incredibly disturbing and it just doesn’t put us in an educated position. Especially when questions around the legitimacy of the 2020 election come into play. There are still deniers out there. They are pathetic. I would encourage all to read the 165 page word doc that was dropped from Jack Smith’s filing on crimes despite claims of immunity as ruled upon by the corrupt supreme court. That also makes me sick. I am defaulting to identifying the supreme court as corrupt, which is legitimately corrupt on how they have shown to be in conservative favor to unprecedented rulings. The realization is that we have already fallen into the Project 2025 trap, and it is up to us to stop it. Get out and vote blue. We need to do all we can to give a courtesy flush to the Orange Turd once and for all by November 5th.

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