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Hundreds of Vinted users hit by huge error exposing personal details that could see bank accounts drained


VINTED has abruptly closed its new professional selling platform to new members after it made some users’ National Insurance (NI) numbers publicly available, putting them at risk of fraud, The Sun has learned.

The second-hand selling website launched Vinted Pro last week to allow sellers to register as a sole trader and be identified as professional sellers.

Vinted has now closed its Pro service after some members’ NI numbers were displayed

But the much-anticipated launch was quickly overshadowed when users realised it had displayed some Vinted Pro users’ National Insurance number publicly on their profile, meaning anyone could see it.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) advises that you should not share your NI number with anyone who does not need it to prevent identity fraud.

The Sun has learned that the Independent Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is now investigating the breach after a number of sellers reported it.

A spokesperson for the ICO told The Sun: “We can confirm that we have been contacted regarding Vinted and are currently assessing the information provided.”

Vinted has now removed the ability for users to upgrade their accounts to Vinted Pro to prevent anyone else being affected by the breach while it fixes the technical issue.

A spokesperson for Vinted told The Sun: “For a small number of Vinted Pro members, their NI number was visible on their profile page.

“While our teams were working on fixing the issue completely, we temporarily halted the ability to upgrade accounts to Vinted Pro.

“We apologise to anyone that was affected and encourage members who have questions to reach out to our member support team.”

It is understood that affected users’ NI numbers have now been hidden – but those impacted had the private detail displayed on their profile for several days.

Previously, the only way Vinted sellers could hide their NI number from public view was to delete their account or set it to “holiday mode”, which means they can no longer sell any items.

Vinted declined to disclose how many Vinted Pro users were affected, but it is understood that it did not involve all members.

However, dozens of members have taken to social media to express their fury over what happened.

One angry Vinted user posted on forum Reddit: “An absolute disaster – I am currently going through the same issue here, so I had to Holiday Mode my shop until I hear back from them, which could be quite a lot of lost revenue judging the amount of time they take to get back to me.”

Another added: “I’ve deleted my account because of this, I hope they have reported themselves to ICO? It’s quite serious!”

Another furious user who spoke with The Sun said he is a huge Vinted seller and has already earned £25,000 through the site this year, but is now planning to switch to eBay.

“They have messed up big time with Vinted Pro, I have emailed their CEO and will be ringing the ICO,” he said.

Experts have warned that the serious breach could have left members at risk of identity fraud or being targeted by scammers.

Dan McLoughlin, fraud and security expert at Lynx Tech, explained: “NI numbers are unique identifiers across various government, employment, and financial systems.

“This means if your NI number gets into the wrong hands, fraudsters can leverage it to apply for loans or credit cards in your name, potentially building up significant debt.

“Fraudsters can also use your NI number to open banking accounts for money laundering or other illicit activities, implicating you in their crimes.

“Fraud losses increased by 53% in 2023, so protecting personal information has never been more important.”

Consumer disputes expert Scott Dixon, who runs website The Complaints Resolver, said HMRC asked Vinted to request NI numbers from sellers to ensure they pay the correct tax, but this should never have been made publicly available.

“This is a serious breach and the ICO should take action against Vinted and have the powers to do so,” he said.

“Vinted should also liaise with the ICO for guidance on what they need to do to remedy it.”

He added that if your NI is exposed in the public domain and you become a victim of fraud as a result, you could be entitled to compensation.

We have asked Vinted if it will pay any compensation to affected members and will update if we hear back.

What should I do if I’ve been affected?

If your NI number is on display, it’s a good idea to hide it by putting your shop into holiday mode until the issue is resolved.

You can make a complaint to Vinted through the website/app or make a complaint to the ICO by visiting: ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/data-protection-complaints/.

You can also apply for Protective Registration for two years if you’re worried your personal details have been leaked – however, this costs £30.

You can apply online by visiting: cifas.org.uk/services/identity-protection/protective-registration/application-form.

Over the next few weeks, it’s a good idea to be extra vigilant. If you receive any unexpected calls, verify the number before handing over any personal or bank details.

It’s a good idea to hang up and call back the right number. Remember that companies can “spoof” phone numbers, so just because it shows the right number, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a scam.

And don’t open any unexpected links, as these could be phishing for further personal info.

If you think you’ve been a victim of fraud, you should report it to your bank, building society or any credit cards you use as soon as possible, and report any transactions you don’t recognise.

You should also report your case to Action Fraud, which will give you a crime reference number.

It’s worth checking your credit reports, too, and flag if you spot anything on there that wasn’t you – your credit reference agency can make a note for other lenders to see if you’re disputing a missed payment or unexpected loan.

What is Vinted Pro?

Vinted Pro launched in the UK last week to enable sellers to register as sole traders, or to allow businesses to register as sellers.

Active sellers on the Vinted app have started being messaged informing them about the new service and suggesting they can upgrade their account.

It is free to upgrade to Vinted Pro, and it’s free to sell an unlimited number of items.

Do you need to pay tax on items sold on Vinted?

QUICK facts on tax from the team at Vinted...

  • The only time that an item might be taxable is if it sells for more than £6,000 and there is profit (sells for more than you paid for it). Even then, you can use your capital gains tax-free allowance of £3,000 to offset it.
  • Generally, only business sellers trading for profit (buying goods with the purpose of selling for more than they paid for them) might need to pay tax. Business sellers who trade for profit can use a tax-free allowance of £1,000, which has been in place since 2017.
  • More information here: vinted.co.uk/no-changes-to-taxes

However, Pro accounts must also follow certain consumer rules. For example, they have to offer 14-day returns for faulty items, and they must provide contact details.

Professional sellers must declare themselves as a “Pro Seller” and this label will appear on their profile to identify them as a business.

You can have a Vinted Pro account and a regular account.

The full list of terms and conditions can be read at vinted.co.uk/pro-terms-of-use.

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