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FASNY talks Fire Prevention Week 2024


HALFMOON, N.Y. (NEWS10) – Fire Prevention Week is underway. It gives local fire departments across the country an opportunity to host the public and spread awareness around fire safety measures that can keep your family safe. This year’s theme is smoke detector safety.

Fire Prevention Week 2024 runs October 6 through October 12. Roughly three out of five fire deaths happen in homes with either no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

That’s why this year’s campaign is focused on smoke detectors. John D’Alessandro, the secretary for the Firefighters Association of the State of New York (FASNY), explains the joint effort.

“Fire safety is a partnership between the local fire department and the citizens. We each have our role to play in making our communities fire safe,” said D’Alessandro.

He is a volunteer firefighter out of Halfmoon. He said when they get calls late at night, residents are asleep and wake up to feeling heat and seeing smoke fill their homes, and that’s when smoke detectors make all the difference.

“Having a working smoke detector, or carbon monoxide detector, gives you those extra few seconds before the conditions deteriorate to the point where you become disoriented,” said D’Alessandro.

He advises against removing the batteries from smoke detectors after kitchen mishaps, because?

“Unfortunately many times when they need them, that’s when they realize that they’re not working. So,again, a few minutes every month, not just once a year but a few minutes every month, check the smoke detector, check the carbon monoxide detector. Dust it off. Change the batteries. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound cure,” said D’Alessandro.

He said fire prevention week is more than checking those smoke detectors and he’s urging people to join their local fire departments. In New York state more than 80 percent of fire departments rely on volunteers.

“Dedicated men and women are the backbone of the volunteer fire service. Despite all the great technology we have, it’s always going to come down to dedicated men and women who are willing to respond when their friends, their families and their neighbors need them,” said D’Alessandro.

Other preventive measures people can take include creating a fire safety plan. D’Alessandro said it’s important to have a meeting spot so a proper headcount can be taken and firefighters don’t risk their lives looking for people who are not there. He also shares a seasonal reminder.

“We encourage everyone to make sure their heating units, whether that be a furnace in the basement or a fireplace or a space heater, make sure that they’re working properly. If they haven’t had maintenance or cleaning you should be doing that,” said D’Alessandro. “You should be cautious if you’re using a space heater, keep it away from any combustible materials.”

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