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Ex-aide Stephanie Grisham dismisses Melania Trump's condemnation of Jan. 6


A onetime top aide of Melania Trump is disputing the ex-first lady's claim in her new book that she was unaware of the violence that unfolded at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, saying, "It's clear she chose to stay quiet."

In her memoir, "Melania," released Tuesday, Trump said she was shocked when she turned on the TV and saw what was happening at the Capitol, calling the violence "unequivocally unacceptable."

"As with all First Ladies who preceded me, it was my obligation to record the contents of the White House’s historic rooms, including taking archival photographs of all the renovations," Trump wrote in her book.

"Several months in advance, I organized a qualified team of photographers, archivists, and designers to work with me in the White House to ensure perfect execution. As required, we scheduled Jan. 6, 2021, to complete the work on behalf of our nation."

The organizational effort ended up coinciding with the riot at the Capitol, when supporters of then-President Trump breached the building in an attempt to stop Congress's certification of the Electoral College results.

"At one point, I glanced out the sunroom window, one of the highest vantage points in the White House and noticed a sizeable gathering of people below. Though aware of activity outside, my attention remained on our tasks," the former first lady recalled in her book.

"We later moved between floors, engrossed in discussions about our ongoing projects, away from any television screens. Donald was occupied with his responsibilities, and I with mine: to document everything quickly because I knew we would leave the White House soon," she continued.

It wasn't until after 2 p.m., Trump said, that she received a text from her press secretary.

"She was asking if I wanted to 'denounce the violence.' I found the question perplexing — when had I ever condoned violence? Throughout my tenure, I consistently denounced violence on numerous occasions," the former model wrote.

"However, at that moment, my team was already behind the schedule and focused on the task. I wasn’t aware of the events unfolding at the Capitol building," she added.

"Had I been fully informed of all the details, naturally, I would have immediately denounced the violence that occurred at the Capitol Building. I have always and will always condemn violence."

Stephanie Grisham, a longtime aide who also served as the first lady's press secretary, told ITK, "Melania is blaming me for not briefing her and that’s fine. It’s what her husband has done with the more than 40 staffers who have spoken against him — this is the Trump formula. But whatever makes her feel better — I really don’t care, do you?"

"When you read my full text to her, and her very quick, one-word response of 'no,' it’s clear she chose to stay quiet. Why wouldn’t she have asked 'What’s happening? Why would I tweet that?'" said Grisham, who resigned on Jan. 6 and has since become a fierce critic of the 45th president, speaking out against him at the Democratic National Convention in August. 

"Melania knew what was going on at all times or she asked questions. Her response to me showed me enough that I immediately resigned and left the life I’d been devoted to for years. But OK, I didn’t brief her well enough," Grisham said. 

In "Melania," Trump recounted her reaction when discovering what was happening that day just 2 miles from the White House, writing, "Upon receiving information from the Chief Usher regarding the situation at the Capitol, I told my team to collect their equipment and return home. I was worried for their safety. Once in my room, I turned on the TV. The news coverage was shocking; the violence we witnessed was unequivocally unacceptable."

"While I recognized that many individuals felt the election was mishandled and that the vice president should halt the confirmation process," Trump continued, "we must never resort to violence."

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