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I bought a home in Florida for $540,000 and Hurricane Milton is tearing through our neighborhood. We don't have flood insurance, and I know I'm not sleeping tonight.

Hurricane Milton in Tampa, Florida.
  • Natalie Schwartz, an early intervention specialist, bought a home in Wesley Chapel, Florida, last year.
  • As Hurricane Milton tears through their neighborhood, she's now hunkering down in her new home.
  • Schwartz said she could not sleep with the strong wind and trees falling over on her street.

This as-told-to essay is based on an 11 p.m. ET conversation with Natalie Schwartz, 24, who lives in Tampa's suburbs. Schwartz is sheltering in her new home amid Hurricane Milton. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I've never really had anxiety about a hurricane since living here.

But with this one, this whole experience has been anxiety-inducing.

My home is new — my husband and I built it last year, and we moved in this January. We paid around $540,000 for it.

We don't have flood insurance. But our house hasn't flooded yet — so far, we're seeing wind damage.

I'm concerned about the roof and the exterior of my home. I don't know if something's slammed into the door or the side of the house.

I know we had a big tree fall into our yard earlier. I have multiple palm trees in my yard that have several snapped branches.

This is definitely the most intense storm that I've ever experienced.

I was hunkering down in the pantry with my husband, my mother, my grandfather, and my aunt. But I had to come out because we had five people and three dogs in there, and it was just too hot, and I was feeling claustrophobic.

I probably should still be in there, if I'm honest.

My mother, my grandfather, and my aunt were actually on vacation this week. They weren't supposed to be here — they don't live here. But they were visiting and got stuck here, so they're experiencing their first hurricane.

My grandfather is 86 years old and has never experienced anything like this. He wanted to leave two days ago, but it wasn't possible because there were no flights out.

I'm watching trees blow over as we speak. I'm looking at my neighbors across the street, and there's darkness.

Our lights have been flickering on and off for several hours now. We keep thinking that we're going to lose power. I'm shocked that we haven't because many friends and family members say they don't have power.

To be honest, I'm very anxious. My husband has gone to bed, but I don't think I can go to bed yet.

I couldn't sleep through Helene, which had me awake all night with the wind.

And I know I'm not sleeping tonight.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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