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Sir Keir Starmer accused of jeopardising free speech and fuelling university no-platforming surge


WOKE Sir Keir Starmer has jeopardised free speech at universities and triggered an onslaught of no-platforming, Tories warned last night.

Shadow Education Secretary Damian Hinds blasted snowflake Labour ministers for delaying implementation of the Freedom of Speech Act, a law that would see academic institutions slapped with fines for blocking speakers over their political views.

Woke Sir Keir Starmer has jeopardised free speech at universities and triggered an onslaught of no-platforming, Tories have warned[/caption]
Shadow Education Secretary Damian Hinds slammed Labour for stalling the Freedom of Speech Act, which would fine universities for blocking speakers over political views[/caption]

It came as Suella Braverman was forced to postpone a talk at Cambridge on Thursday after the university couldn’t guarantee her security against a mob of pro-Palestinian protestors.

Last night Mr Hinds wrote to the top institution demanding to know what steps are being taken “to protect free speech”.

Addressing Vice Chancellor Deborah Prentice, he said: “This signifies just the beginning of the chilling effects to come if we do not take the steps to protect free speech at universities.”

Furious Mr Hinds also told The Sun: “Universities should be bastions of free speech where students and academics can freely express and debate ideas.

“Sadly, this has been jeopardised by Labour scrapping our law to protect free speech on campuses.

“Whilst Labour leaves universities in limbo, universities should follow our lead and actively champion free speech.”

Ministers ditched the Freedom of Speech Act after the election, arguing it would have been “potentially damaging to student welfare”.

In a Commons debate yesterday Education Minister Catherine McKinnell described the Act as “disproportionate and burdensome”, adding that the Government is committed to protecting freedom of speech in “the best way possible”.

Ex-Tory chairman Richard Holden slammed woke ministers for appeasing snowflake students and ushering in a new era of no-platforming.

He fumed: “This delay is actually having an impact on freedom of speech in universities right across the country.”

A Downing Street spokesperson said it is “important to strike the right balance between freedom of speech and academic freedom, as well as concerns around exposing students to harm and hate speech on campuses.”

A spokesperson for Cambridge University said: “The University is fully committed to freedom of speech within the law and respects the right to protest within the law.

“This was not a University or College event, and we were informed yesterday of the external organisers’ decision to postpone.”

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