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Knicker chandelier, matching PJs and endless Disney paraphernalia: the ‘messy’ secrets of Hugh Hefner’s iconic bedroom


A KNICKER chandelier, shelves of clutter and a bed covered in magazines – Hugh Hefner’s bedroom was a sight to behold. 

The Playboy boss who died in 2017 shared his boudoir with his third wife Crystal, a woman 60 years his junior, who he tied the knot with in 2012.

Hugh Hefner married his third wife, Crystal, in 2012 despite the 60-year age gap[/caption]
They shared the room together before Hugh’s death in 2017 and Crystal revealed what was inside[/caption]
The pair shared a messy room filled with teddies and trinkets[/caption]

In video footage which was recorded before Hugh’s death, the widow gave fans an exclusive behind the scenes look at his “messy” chamber.

Crystal, 38, was in the Playboy world for a decade – half of which she spent as the boss’ wife before he died aged 91. 

The room they shared included a special wardrobe for Hugh’s iconic smoking jackets, as well as a rail just for his pyjama sets.

The main space, with a bed in the middle, two televisions on opposite walls and shelves covered in trinkets, was full of intrigue. 

The “messy” master bedroom – which was set across two floors – had a chandelier draped in knickers hanging directly above the bed. 

Crystal referred to it as “the iconic panty chandelier”.

“The counter space is all filled because Hef gets so many gifts,” she said at the time.

“He is a publisher so he has all of his magazines right here whenever he wants.” 

Crystal was allowed to put her own stamp on the room by filling it with Disney paraphernalia

“I love Disney so much,” she said. “And if you look around, I have Disney stuff all over the walls.”

There were Disney figurines, posters, teddies and entire drawers dedicated to her Mickey Mouse jewellery collection. 

The Gothic Tudor mansion was built in 1927 and then sold to Playboy Enterprises in 1971 for $1.05 million.

It is located on the super posh Holmby Hills in Los Angeles, California.

It has 29 rooms, six of which were bedrooms when Hugh and his Bunnies lived there. 

The Playboy mansion has 29 rooms, six of which were bedrooms when Hugh lived there[/caption]
His master bedroom was split across two floors and a sight to behold[/caption]
Part of the decoration was a chandelier draped in knickers[/caption]

Little-known Playboy Mansion Facts

Girlfriends vs Playmates

Rumour has it that Hugh Hefner would have two to a dozen “girlfriends” living with him at a time. These girlfriends are not to be confused with Playmates. Each girlfriend had their own room, but one “special lady” was named as girlfriend number one and stayed with Hef in his room. Each girlfriend received a $1,000 (£760) weekly bonus “allowance.”

Hef’s Wild side

The Playboy mansion was home to a private zoo. It was one of very few private residences that actually has a zoo license. Hefner was a fan of birds. Among his collection – many of which roamed the grounds – were peacocks, macaws, flamingos, toucans and ducks.

The Elvis Legend

Within the mansion was a secret room, called “The Elvis Room.” Legend has it that the King himself, Elvis Presley, had a little slumber party in the room with up to eight eager bunnies.

In her memoir Only Say Good Things, Crystal revealed she and her elderly husband would participate in “embarrassing” group sex.

“It was embarrassing,” she recalled.

“I don’t know the most people there’d been in our bedroom at one time, but a lot.

“Nobody really wanted to be there but I think in Hef’s mind, he still thought he was in his 40s, and those nights, the people, the mansion, solidified that idea.

“He felt, ‘I’ve still got it”.”

The Playboy boss would dictate a number of things about his wife’s appearance – from the exact shade of nail polish she should wear to when her roots needed touching up.

According to Crystal, pink, pale and sheer nails were his choice for her talons, and matte was never an option – and to nudge his wife to get her roots re-done he would simply tap her on the head.

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