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Moment airline customer jumps behind check-in counter and threatens to ‘kill’ cops

A Delta Air Lines passenger dodged police while screaming at them at Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (Picture: TikTok/@sir_pargo)

A Delta Air Lines customer created a huge scene at an airport, jumping behind the check-in counter and evading capture by police while threatening to ‘kill’ them.

The video shared on TikTok shows a woman, wearing a yellow sweater already behind the ticket counter, stand up and declare: ‘Don’t trust cops, only trust firemen.’

A cop approaches the woman and she screams, ‘Get away from me!’

As the cop goes behind the counter, the woman runs off saying, ‘Get away from me’, and goes under and undoes some of the stanchions.

‘I will kill you, I will f***ing kill you,’ she says, pointing at officers.

As another cop approaches from another direction, she dashes away, causing him to falls to the floor in the missed attempt at grabbing her.

The woman then ducks under another stanchion and goes behind the counter again.

She is finally held down by cops at the end of the more than 30-second clip.

The woman screamed, ‘Don’t trust cops, only trust firemen.’ (Picture: TikTok/@sir_pargo)

Posted on Wednesday, the video included the caption, ‘I’m just trying to get my boarding pass,’ and an emoji of a smiling face with a tear.

The weird incident happened at Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport in Georgia. The exact date was unclear.

Her identity and any charges against her, and the reason for her meltdown, were not immediately known

The woman yelled at cops, ‘Get away from me!’ (Picture: TikTok/@sir_pargo)

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The video had more than 492,000 likes as of Friday evening.

Some TikTok users joked about the moment the woman dodged the cop who fell to the ground.

‘No one going to talk about the footwork ?? colts about to sign her,’ one user commented, referring to the NFL team, the Indianapolis Colts.

The woman was finally apprehended by police officers behind the counter (Picture: TikTok/@sir_pargo)

Another user remarked of the cop: ‘Falling like that would push me into retirement.’

It is not the only recent instance of a customer tantrum at a US airport.

In December 2022, a frustrated mother went behind gate attendant’s counter at Miami International Airport and ripped out computers and flung a monitor at an American Airlines attendant.

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