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I took my 2 kids to a family all-inclusive resort. They had a blast, and I did not have to do anything.

The author, not pictured, says that having someone take care of her needs was what she needed.
  • I'm a single working mom of two kids with no family nearby to help me.
  • I took my kids to a family-centric, all-inclusive resort in Mexico this summer.
  • My kids had fun, but I was the one who needed to be taken care of, and I loved it.

Every year, around May, the flirtation of summer sucks me in. Fantasies of no alarms going off before sunrise, work from pool afternoons, no fights over homework or getting to after-school activities on time, or the overall pressures of keeping kids thriving during the school year.

As a single, working mom of two with zero family in the vicinity and an ex who lives far enough that he is geographically exempt from all the daily, mundane tasks that nobody gets credit for, I am an expert multi-tasker.

I do all the grocery shopping, prepare every meal, do 57 loads of laundry a week (give or take), keep two large hounds and a cat named Kitty alive, shuttle the kids to every practice and playdate, and still manage to make enough money to support a Brat summer lifestyle.

"I need someone to take care of me," I joked to a friend while we were talking about support options. But perhaps I wasn't joking at all. She suggested a vacation, somewhere I could go with my kids but still sort of get a break from them. There was only one option that made sense: An all-inclusive resort.

We flew to Mexico to a resort that caters to families

I booked a suite at the Family Selection at Grand Palladium Kantenah Resort & Spa, a family-centric resort within a resort that opened in winter 2023.

While there are endless all-inclusive resorts in Mexico and the Caribbean, this one particularly piqued my interest as it caters exclusively to families, offering service amenities like personalized butlers, kid-friendly restaurants, and extensive childcare options included in the nightly rate. This is what I needed, for someone else to take care of my kids for the week so I could relax and maybe read the book sitting on my nightstand for six months.

Prior to arrival, I was already impressed when I received an email from the butler, Yari, who was assigned to our family. She asked what types of food and drinks, toiletries, and other items they should stock the room with. She also made reservations for all of our dinners, taking the pressure off me.

I never get asked what I need

Yari was waiting for us when we arrived. "Please let me know if you need anything or if there is anything I can help you with," she said to me, escorting us to our suite, which included two bathrooms, a separate master suite, and a huge balcony with a hot tub overlooking the ocean.

Sure, the room was stunning, but I was more excited because it had been forever since someone asked me what I needed.

The first night, we dined at an American-themed steakhouse, and I didn't have the pressure of figuring out what to eat for dinner since our reservations were made for me.

The magic of an all-inclusive resort is that when your kids don't eat their steak or their $20 chicken nuggets, it doesn't make you want to cry inside.

My kids had activities, and I could relax

Our days were spent alternating hourly between the beach, ocean, and pools, including the family-only area reserved for guests of Family Selection, with daily activities to keep kids entertained so parents could actually relax.

On day one, I gravitated toward a particular beach bed. Every morning, Yari made sure it was reserved and set up for us. My kids also spent time at the resort's Kids Club, which gave me periodic breaks to go to the gym. One day, I even enjoyed a massage at the spa, which was absolutely delightful.

On day four, after sleeping for an uninterrupted eight hours without taking anything, I awoke at 7 a.m., and something was different. My head hadn't been so clear in ages. The birds sang louder, the ocean was bluer, and my children were more beautiful than I ever remembered them.

I realized I needed help

When I daydreamed about this vacation, it was the kids club that really sold me — the idea that my son and daughter would be taken care of so I could relax. But by the end, it was very clear that I needed help.

There was no laundry to fold, dishes to clean, beds to make, grocery shopping, driving, cooking, or all of those menial tasks that constantly took up space in my brain. I was being taken care of, and I could finally breathe.

In my experience, vacations aren't just an excuse to kick back and relax somewhere other than home. They offer an opportunity to escape from real life, reflect on what is working and what isn't, assess one's happiness and needs, and figure out how to make it all better.

While I can't live at an all-inclusive resort or afford to hire a personal butler to take care of my needs 24/7, I am worth investing in. My New Year's resolution is to get some help and prioritize getting that oxygen mask on myself first so I can be a better, more present, and less agitated parent.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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