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UNICEF: 1 in 8 girls experienced sexual abuse in childhood


On International Day of the Girl, UNICEF announced in a statement that 1 in 8 girls worldwide has experienced rape or sexual abuse before the age of 18.

The organization reported that 370 million girls under legal age have faced sexual violence over the past 12 years.

In its report for October 11, the International Day of the Girl, UNICEF noted that this figure, combined with verbal or online harassment, reaches 650 million individuals globally. The data is based on surveys conducted by UNICEF representatives in 120 countries between 2010 and 2022.

The data reveals that sub-Saharan African countries have the highest number of victims of sexual violence, with 79 million girls and women (22% of the population) affected. Following sub-Saharan Africa, there are 75 million in East and Southeast Asia (8% of the population), 73 million in Central and South Asia (9% of the population), 68 million in Europe and North America (14% of the population), 45 million in Latin America and the Caribbean (18% of the population), 29 million in North Africa and Western Asia (15% of the population), and 6 million in Oceania (34% of the population).

According to UNICEF’s report, sexual violence against children is widespread and occurs across all geographical borders and cultures. The organization noted that while girls and women are disproportionately affected by violence, boys and men are also victims of rape and sexual abuse.

UNICEF stated that approximately 240 to 310 million boys and men worldwide have experienced sexual abuse during childhood. The report further added that when non-physical forms of sexual abuse are included, this number rises to about 410 to 530 million men.

Catherine Russell, UNICEF’s Executive Director, remarked that sexual violence against children is “a stain on our moral conscience.” She emphasized that these deep and lasting harms often occur at the hands of individuals known and trusted by the child, in places where they should feel safe.

This is the first time UNICEF has provided these statistics, stating that the findings encompass 80% of the world’s population.

The alarming statistics presented by UNICEF highlight the urgent need for global action to combat sexual violence against children. Governments, organizations, and communities need to work together to create safer environments for all children, ensuring their right to protection and the opportunity to thrive free from abuse and fear.

The post UNICEF: 1 in 8 girls experienced sexual abuse in childhood appeared first on Khaama Press.

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