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Former CBS Staffers Call For Outside Investigation of ’60 Minutes’ Interview with Kamala Harris After They Edited Her Answer with Previous Soundbite to Make Her Sound Coherent

60 Minutes splices Kamala Harris’s answers together to make her sound coherent and normal. She’s that bad.

As previously reported, fake news ’60 Minutes’ was caught editing Kamala’s answers to make her sound coherent and normal.

Harris’s interview was so bad that ’60 Minutes’ spliced her nonsensical answer and replaced it with a completely separate sentence she said earlier in the interview.

CBS is refusing to release the unedited transcript from the ’60 Minutes’ interview with Kamala Harris.

Here is the original 60 Minutes exchange:

Bill Whitaker: But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening?

Kamala Harris: Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.

And here is ’60 Minutes” edited exchange:

Bill Whitaker: But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening?

Kamala Harris: We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.

Kamala Harris has no clue what she’s talking about.

“60 Minutes” knows Kamala Harris is stupid which is why they edited her exchange to make her sound more coherent.


Former CBS staffers are calling for an outside investigation into the ’60 Minutes’ interview.

The New York Post reported:

Former CBS News staffers are demanding an independent investigation into “60 Minutes” over the brewing Kamala Harris interview scandal — even as the network digs in its heels and refuses to release the full, unedited transcript, The Post has learned.

The long-running news show has come under fire after allegedly cleaning up the Democratic presidential candidate’s answer to a question from “60 Minutes” correspondent Bill Whitaker about Israel that aired during a special episode on Monday.

Her reply was starkly different from the “word salad” the vice president served up in a clip to promote the interview shown by “Face the Nation” the day before.

The controversy has prompted media insiders and critics — including Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump — to question the ethical standards at the Tiffany Network.

“I think there should be an outside investigation,” one former CBS News journalist told The Post on Thursday. “Obviously, there’s a problem here. If they care about journalistic integrity, they would conduct an investigation or release the full transcript.”

President Trump said CBS should lose its license after they got caught editing Kamala Harris’s interview.

The post Former CBS Staffers Call For Outside Investigation of ’60 Minutes’ Interview with Kamala Harris After They Edited Her Answer with Previous Soundbite to Make Her Sound Coherent appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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