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Schools under the Lagos State Education District II have once again proven their superiority by bagging four out of six awards at the 2024 Lagos State Secondary Schools’ Sanitation Competition. 

This remarkable achievement underscores the leadership ability and dedication of the Tutor-General/Permanent Secretary of the District, Mrs. Elizabeth Anike Adekanye to uphold the highest standards in sanitation, hygiene, and environmental education. 

With 30 public secondary schools across the State of Excellence competing, Education District II emerged victorious in key categories such as: ‘The Sanitation and Hygiene Best Practices’ and ‘The UpCycling and Recycling’ for the Model School Category, which were won by Eva Adelaja Junior Secondary School, Somolu, among others.

This unparalleled achievement is hinged on the TG/PS’ commitment to maintaining a clean environment and embracing sustainable practices, which has no doubt set Education District II apart as a leader in environmental education.

Mrs. Adekanye, in her comment, noted that the schools have shown tremendous dedication to implementing hygiene best practices and fostering an eco-conscious mindset among students and staff.

She equally noted that the Year 2024 competition also showcased Education District II’s leadership in environmental advocacy and the consistent efforts of its schools to promote cleanliness and sustainability. “The District’s ability to win four out of six possible awards is not only a win for the students and staff but also a proud moment for Lagos State Education”, she enthused.

The TG/PS expressed her deep appreciation to the Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu for his visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to advancing education across the state. She commended Mr Governor’s administration for its dedication to promoting a clean and healthy learning environment through initiatives like the Lagos State Secondary Schools Sanitation Competition, which encourages students to embrace hygiene best practices and sustainability. 

According to her, the Governor’s developmental programmes have made it possible for schools in Lagos State, especially in Education District II to excel in such competitions, highlighting the impact of the T.H.E.M.E.S PLUS Agenda on the overall quality of education in Lagos State.

She further extended her heartfelt gratitude to the Honourable Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education, Mr. Jamiu Tolani Alli-Balogun, and all education stakeholders for their tireless efforts in making the competition a success. She acknowledged the critical roles played by the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education in organising the event and ensuring that students across the state are equipped with the knowledge and skills to prioritise sanitation and hygiene. 

She applauded the collaborative efforts of teachers, school administrators, and parents, whose collective dedication to fostering an environment of excellence led to Education District II’s outstanding performance in the competition.

Recall that the District won the Award for the ‘Most Outstanding Education District’ at the recent Governors Commendation and Award Night 2024 organised by the Lagos State Domestic Sexual Violence Agency, and also the Mayen Adetiba Technical Boot Camp won by Barakat Bello of Eva Adelaja Girls’ Junior Secondary School also under the Education District II.

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