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Major cinema chain to shut two sites for good TODAY as ‘gutted’ locals sob for their loss


TWO major cinema sites will close for good today as “gutted” locals sob for their loss.

As part of a Restructuring Plan, Cineworld is eliminating at least six popular sites in the UK.

The news has come as a shock to hundreds of locals
The closures are all part of a Restructuring Plan to boost profit

In July, the cinema giant announced the Restructuring Plan was to “return our business to profitability”, “attract further investment” and “ensure a sustainable long-term future for Cineworld in the UK”.

Although local residents may argue otherwise.

Sites such as Glasgow Parkhead, Bedford, Hinckley, Loughborough, Yate and Swindon Circus all featured on the elimination list.

As of October 6, we saw the back of the Cineworld’s in Swindon Circus, Bedford, and Glasgow Parkhead.

But today, Cineworld’s in both Loughborough and Yate will too, take a bow.

A spokesperson for Cineworld Yate said: “After years of providing movie-lovers with a place to feel more, we have made the difficult decision to close Cineworld Yate.

“The cinema will remain open until October 13.

“We hope you continue to enjoy watching movies at our local cinemas of Swindon Shaw Ridge.”

Hundreds of locals shared their thoughts in the comment section.

One person wrote: “Totally Gutted.

“We need a going away party. I’ll provide the entertainment. Let’s do it, we will miss you guys and our own cinema.

“I’ll never go to the movies again.”

While a second person wrote: “I’m genuinely gutted about this.

“I was recently diagnosed autistic and I’ve found this cinema to be one of the most pleasant, calm and welcoming environments for someone like me who struggles with sensory overstimulation.”

A third person said: “It was a lifeline for some people.

“They don’t realise how devastating this is for some people.”

And a fourth said: “Can’t believe it’s the end! Some great memories of working here and met lots of great people! Sad to see it go!”

Meanwhile, the same statement was released about the Loughborough Cineworld.

Customers were advised to visit local cinemas in Burton upon Trent, Nottingham, and Hinckley.

Even though Hinckley is to be eliminated.

Again, dozens of locals took to the comment section to share their thoughts.

One said: “Really sad news about Cineworld Loughborough.

“One of the selection I have visited and enjoyed with my Unlimited card.

“Sending all my best wishes to everybody affected by the closure.”

While a second wrote: “Such a shame, the best cinema we’ve ever been to for the wheelchair access, customer service and viewing experience.

“Love to all the staff who have always gone above and beyond.”

 And a third said: “This is so sad, this is my favourite cinema.”

Although six Cineworld sites made the elimination list, the chain is said to be renegotiating rent agreements for around 50 of its sites.

Struggling businesses might take this route to lower operating costs.

But the landlords don’t need to accept the conditions.

Meaning all 50 additional Cineworld complexes could also be at risk of closure if the chain and its landlords cannot reach an agreement.

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