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I was locked in cage and drenched in ice for SAS interrogation – it was degrading, says Georgia Harrison ahead of final


THEY weren’t the most obvious candidates to make it to the last round of Celebrity Who Dares Wins — but that’s exactly what Georgia Harrison and Bianca Gascoigne have done.

In tonight’s final, the reality stars are pitted against each other in a tense interrogation showdown that pushes them to the limits.

Georgia Harrison was locked in dog cage for a ‘degrading’ SAS interrogation
While Georgia was in the cage Bianca Gascoigne was forced to throw ice-cold water over her

The task requires the celebs to memorise a cover story and hide a fictional mission from a specialist interrogations team, while enduring questioning and punishment.

Each year, the round is slightly redesigned to ensure that the final four don’t know what to expect for this ultimate test.

It will see Georgia locked in a dog cage, while Bianca is forced to throw ice-cold water over her, holding stress positions, suffering in isolation and being aggressively probed by staff.

And, according to Georgia and Bianca, it’s much harder in real life than it ever sounds on paper.

Georgia said: “I really did think that the interrogation was going to be easy, because I would watch it on TV and think, ‘If that was me, I wouldn’t be shaking on the floor’, but I really underestimated it.

“I was thinking that I could meditate through it, but it’s just so, so tough.

“You get disorientated so much that you don’t know how long it’s been, who you’re with or if it’s even real any more.

“You lose all understanding of your surroundings.

“I was definitely hallucinating.

“It’s awful, excruciatingly hard, degrading, demoralising and one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life.”

The women are joined the final by boxers Lani Daniels and Anthony Ogogo.

Paul Gascoigne’s daughter Bianca added: “I was convulsing on the floor because it was so cold, it was madness.

“It was so mentally disturbing – most of the time you are in stress positions, it was about 13 hours I did it for and you totally believe then that you are in it.

‘Felt battered’

“It doesn’t feel like a TV show at that point. It’s proper psychological warfare.”

It wasn’t all bad for the model, though — who admitted that she is now in the best shape of her life after the show ordeal.

She joked: “I was covered in bruises and felt battered after, but I lost loads of weight and I did have a little baby weight to shift, so that was a good thing.”

Silver linings, eh.

Georgia admitted she underestimated the interrogation
Bianca admitted that she is now in the best shape of her life after the show ordeal

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