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Vanguard Properties Expands in East Bay with Massive Growth at New Montclair Office

Members of the Vanguard Properties leadership team gather for a pre-party moment in the sunlit lobby. (Left to right): Nina Dosanjh – CTO, Chelsea Hock – Creative Director, David Chol – COO, Pam Hoffman – Oakland Sales Manager, Jennifer Supman, SVP & Managing Broker. 

The expansion of Vanguard Properties, marked by the addition of a stunningly remodeled 7,000-square-foot space atop Mountain Boulevard in Montclair, can best be described as pure destiny. Any appearance of serendipity or luck was mere coincidence; there is nothing coincidental about how Vanguard conducts its business.

A successful real estate office requires agents with exceptional market knowledge, a welcoming space, strong brand recognition, and excellent leadership. When all of these factors aligned in the summer of 2024, Bay Area-based and privately owned Vanguard Properties became the premier brokerage for concentrated, tenured talent in the Inner East Bay Region.

Before the office opened, Vanguard attracted Pam Hoffman to lead the Montclair team. Hoffman fittingly occupies a modernized version of the same corner office from which she mentored agents at Pacific Union and Compass as far back as 1989.

“One of our promises to every agent is great leadership,” said David Chol, Chief Operating Officer of Vanguard Properties, during the October 10, 2024, grand opening. “Pam Hoffman is an icon in this area. She ‘raised’ many of these agents, so to speak.”

Hoffman describes the transition as a “heartwarming, full-circle experience” that came about due to the incredible team Vanguard Properties has and their willingness to put their faith and resources behind the agents and office. Her team has already grown to more than 34 agents, all working out of the gleaming new offices, remodeled with the craftsmanship of local tradespeople.

Like other Vanguard Properties offices, the Montclair location is made up of professionals who prefer to work in person, surrounded by highly experienced peers, rather than in satellite offices or the large, impersonal headquarters of national real estate conglomerates. These agents know that being around a curated group of tenured agents and strong leaders enhances their business and the services they provide to clients. They find that when surrounded by their new respected colleagues, everything from pricing and home-search strategies to problem-solving for buyers and sellers becomes more insightful and fine-tuned.

“We’ve never had this volume of tenured agents join the company all at once. It’s truly remarkable,” said Chol. He noted that the recent trend of brokerage-hopping began when large conglomerates started acquiring local brokerages over the past seven years. “These agents learned real estate at a time when brokerages focused on providing quality service to their agents and made an effort to know each one personally, rather than prioritizing national market share or promoting the brand’s image over that of their individual agents. These agents appreciate that Vanguard has stuck to its ‘agents-first’ principles,” he continued.

A serene seating area featuring contemporary furnishings and natural light greets guests in the lobby of Vanguard Properties, Montclair. 

Vanguard boasts an average agent tenure of 16 years, more than triple the time agents across the country have been with their current firms, according to a 2024 report from the National Association of Realtors. This longevity is a direct result of Vanguard’s commitment to continuing education, mentorship opportunities, and unwavering service to its agents.

“It’s beautiful how organic the growth has been, in that we don’t have a recruiting department,” said Chol. “Our agents bring in the people they respect and like to work with. They want to be here because of the quality of care and attention we provide.”

Since its founding in San Francisco in 1985, Vanguard Properties has remained dedicated to offering a level of service possible only through independent ownership and deep local roots. As the largest independently owned real estate brokerage in the San Francisco Bay Area, Vanguard now has 17 offices, each with its own unique personality.
“Real estate is local, and so are our agents’ businesses,” said Chol. “That’s a reality that permeates everything we do. Our leadership team is composed of local, experienced real estate professionals of the highest caliber, guiding the company’s decisions—not private equity investors or a board of venture capital executives.”

Real estate, after all, is a people business that requires a high-touch culture. At Vanguard Properties, they believe that if you create the right culture and bring in the right people, everyone wins. Vanguard’s expansion into Montclair is further proof of another promise—to open offices only in areas where the agent community has reached out to them through trusted emissaries. “When we find people with a certain strength of character and who truly align with our core values, we will take a leap of faith with them, trusting that it will guide us to success. The rapid growth of the Montclair office is a shining example of the wisdom behind this approach to growth,” said Chol.

Guests at Vanguard Properties’ Grand Opening share in discussion and camaraderie in the evening light. 

Despite its prominence as an elite, luxury brokerage, Vanguard exudes a comforting vibe of authenticity and humility. Simply put, they have fun because they love the work they inspire each other to do. That positive energy infused the glass-walled offices with joy during the Montclair grand opening, as voices and laughter from more than 180 agents, community members, and friends filled the view-filled rooms and well-lit spaces.

“The Vanguard Properties brand is synonymous with high-end luxury sales, but the real luxury is the service we provide to our agents and their clients,” said Chol. “We serve all price points, and every price point receives the same level of attention and detail.”

Some of Vanguard’s agents specialize in first-time home buyers, while others focus on multi-million-dollar listings. They lift each other up by fostering an environment that is friendly, genuine, and well-versed in the areas they serve.

“The best businesses for agents are built on referrals, and we as a company emulate that same ethos. We always put our agents first and enforce consistent high standards, ethics, and quality of service. Our agents trust the Vanguard Properties brand, and they bring us their closest friends in the industry because they know we will handle them with the greatest care,” said Chol. “We are stalwarts in the industry, and we are proud that our agents are the best representatives of our character.”

Come and see our new office at 1900 Mountain Boulevard, Oakland, CA.
vanguardproperties.com | (510) 590-4290 | DRE#01486075

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