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PTI will not vote on tweaks without Imran’s approval


• Party leaders meet ex-PM in Adiala; Gohar says party founder named four people for consultations
• Former premier praises Fazl for standing firm, wants talks with him to continue

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) has made it clear that it would not vote on the proposed constitutional amendment without the express approval of its founding chairman, Imran Khan, a position the party has also conveyed to JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who has been playing a key mediating role over the issue.

The party’s stance was announced by PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan during a press conference held at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa House on Saturday. He was speaking to the media after meeting the PTI founder in jail for the first time in over two weeks.

“For the first time since Oct 3, we had a 45-minute meeting with the founding chairman in Adiala Jail. He was unaware of the developments regarding the constitutional amendment. He also condemned the arrest of his sisters,” Mr Gohar stated.

He said that former prime minister Imran Khan praised Maulana Fazl for standing firm on his stance over the proposed constitutional amendment and for his efforts to ensure that the amendment draft is acceptable to all political parties.

Mr Khan has advised his party to continue consulting with the JUI-F leader on the proposed amendment and to support him as he leads the struggle.

Mr Gohar said he briefed Mr Khan on the proposed constitutional amendment, and upon hearing the details, the former prime minister appreciated Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s firm stance.

“Imran Khan has proposed four names and suggested discussions with them on the amendment draft. We aim to meet Mr Khan again on Monday,” he added.

Omar Ayub Khan, Senator Shibli Faraz, Leader of the Opposition in the Punjab Assembly Ahmed Bhachar and KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur will join Mr Gohar for talks with the JUI-F leaders.

Responding to a question, Mr Gohar criticised the government’s alleged threats, stressing that it was unacceptable. He also claimed that the government lacked a two-thirds majority, something he said no government had enjoyed in recent years.

He confirmed that discussions about the constitutional package were also held with Imran Khan.

When asked about the political situation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Mr Gohar insisted that CM Gandapur enjoyed Imran Khan’s full support.

The party leadership would continue to engage with Maulana Fazl, he added, criticising the government’s conduct, which he described as “unconstitutional and undemocratic”. PTI leaders’ meeting with Imran Khan came a day after a special parliamentary committee approved the proposed draft of the constitutional amendment.

Published in Dawn, October 20th, 2024

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