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Anita Rani breaks silence on marriage split and opens up on ‘exciting new chapter’ of her life


ANITA Rani has revealed she’s excited to see what’s in store for her now she’s single.

The British radio and television presenter split from her husband Bhupi Rehal in 2023 after 14 years of marriage.

Anita Rani opened up on life following the split from her husband of 14 years last year
Anita said she was enjoying the single life and looking forward to chapter two

And while touching on the subject previously she now declared in an interview with Love Sunday magazine that: “Life is good.”

The Bradford-born author also fittingly called the next part of her life a new chapter, saying: “I’m in a good place. I’m focusing on myself and my own wants.”

“It’s nice to be able to think about the second phase of my life. I’ve been calling it Chapter Two.”

The 46-year-old was married to tech entrepreneur Bhupi for 14 years after the couple met at a warehouse party in London and bonded over their shared love of music.

The couple tied the knot six months later in a three-day Indian wedding in 2009 which Anita had previously described as ‘bonkers’.

The Strictly star said: “We had 450 of our nearest and dearest in Bradford, which is relatively small for a Punjabi wedding.”

She had previously called being single ‘uncharted territory’ when the couple first split.

With their busy work schedules said to be a contributing factor, she moved into her former London flat purchased 20 years prior.

At the time she was juggling a jam-packed work schedule, which included the launch of her debut novel, Baby Does A Runner, about a British Asian woman in search of her identity, in July 2023.

When the news broke she told The Sun at the time: “It’s liberating that people know that I’m single now.”

“Not everything works out. Things come to their natural conclusion. That is absolutely fine.”

She also said at the time that there was ‘no shame’ in being single and living your best life in your 40s.

“There is light, and the light is good!”

“I’m single. I’m child-free, I’m in my mid-40s and I have never felt better, sexier, more powerful or more excited about the future.”

She also told how she was paying attention to her own needs: “I’m just making sure I take time out to do things I want to do.”

“I’m very aware that, with the things I want to do in life, I’d quite like to do them now and not wait.”

“I kind of live by the mantra of ‘life is too short’.”

She continued: “This is a new chapter in my life but I’m ready to open that book and see what’s in store for me because the future is exciting.”

“My philosophy is ‘the best is yet to come’.”

She Strictly star said there was no shame in being single and living your best life in your 40s
The Countryfile presenter also admitted she was excited about the future
She has co-presented Countryfile since 2015

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