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Barbershop offering FREE haircut & wine in 24-hour Halloween offer… by transforming body hair into ‘frightening art’


REBELLIOUS wine brand 19 Crimes has teamed up with barber Dean Gleeson to offer free Halloween haircuts, including head, chest or back.

A barbershop is offering a hair-raising way to impress this Halloween – by sculpting body hair into frightening works of art.

Images have been released to show what styles you could go for
From a skull on the back of the head to spider webs or a mummy in your chest or back hair
No design will be off limits, providing it fits the theme at the ‘Hairwolves’ service
Rebellious wine brand 19 Crimes teamed up with barber Dean Gleeson at Ruffians Barbershop in Shoreditch

Images have been released to show what styles you could go for, from a skull on the back of the head to spider webs or a mummy in your chest or back hair.

No design will be off limits, providing it fits the theme at the ‘Hairwolves’ service.

Rebellious wine brand 19 Crimes teamed up with barber Dean Gleeson at Ruffians Barbershop in Shoreditch to offer the one-off service, free of charge on 31st October.

The service was created to launch the brand’s limited edition Halloween glow in the dark labelled bottles, which has replaced imagery of its convicts to a mummy, skeleton and the grim reaper.

Speaking in partnership with the wine brand, professional hair artist Dean said: “It’s going to be a fun day of creating some seriously spooky Halloween haircuts.

“Absolutely nothing is off limits, and we want to give those daring enough a haircut to be remembered for on Halloween.

“You can come in and make your suggestion – and if we can physically do it with the type of hair you’ve got on offer, we’ll do it for you.”

Dean estimates he could get through up to 20 trims on October 31st – but possibly more if the designs are simple, with basic stencil designs like a cobweb taking less than five minutes.

However, if you’re looking for something more intricate, it could take 30 to 60 minutes.

One consideration for anyone thinking about a spooky hair sculpt is the density of hair, particularly on the back or chest, to ensure it is thick enough to support the detail required for the design.

It follows research which revealed the hairdos that 2,000 Brits consider as the biggest hair horrors – with the ‘rat tail’ coming out on top.

Meanwhile, the bowl cut, ‘friar tuck’ and mullet were also disliked by respondents.

However, 32 per cent admit they’ve had a hair howler of their own – but 35 per cent would still be open to risking it again if they could get a cut for free.

It also emerged the most iconic Halloween hairstyles were Morticia Adam’s pin straight hair, the Joker’s green do, and the Bride of Frankenstein beehive.

Chantal McDowell, from 19 Crimes added: “We wanted to find a fun and unconventional way to bring to life the limited-edition Halloween labels for consumers this Halloween.

“We’re using Dean’s expert talents with a trimmer to create some seriously hair-raising haircuts this Halloween.”

To book your free haircut on the 31st of October which includes a glass of wine, please click here [https://gbl.19crimes.com/pages/19-crimes-hairwolves].


1.            The Rat Tail

2.            The Bowl Cut

3.            The Friar Tuck

4.            The Mullet

5.            Robocop

6.            Mohawk

7.            The Permed Mullet

8.            The Top Knot

9.            R9 2002 Haircut

10.         The Perm

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