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80s pop star, 62, has barely aged a day 36 years after smash hit and becoming a mum to surrogate twins


SINGER Taylor Dayne’s hit Tell it To my Heart was one of the anthems of the 80s.

Now more than 30 years since the song’s release, the 62-year-old is still doing her rounds on the showbiz circuit and has hardly aged a day.

The singer has retained her youthful appeareance well into her sixties[/caption]
The mother-of-two has retained her sense of fun and joie de vivre as she’s aged[/caption]

Long before the other Taylor, Dayne was the chart topper and trend setter of her day, with millions rushing to emulate her signature red lipped look and crimped hair.

Earlier this year she embarked on a tour of the US and in an interview with The Sun, shared her ageless beauty secrets.

She said:

“For my face, I use Vitamin C, especially during the day,” she told The U.S. Sun.

“Put that on before you put your sunblock on. I do IPL or V-beams, those are not expensive laser treatments.

“Hyaluronic acid for the face is very important. I use that at night — and stick with your retinols.”

The former Masked Singer performer is also a big Bobbi Brown fan.

“I love their tinted moisturizer and when I do my laser treatments I don’t need foundation, just a little lipgloss.

“If you get your eyebrows done, just make sure you get them really nice and feathered.”

The singer also shared the secrets behind her slim physique, she said:

“”I work out, I’m very active on my diet. What that means is what I’m putting in is what I’m getting out.

“I do Pilates two to three times a week. You’ll also see me out on a hike.

“What I love about Pilates is you’re working against your own body weight. It keeps me really strong in my core.

“As we’re aging, we must stretch. I also do breathing and meditation.

“I believe now it’s the quality of my life. I’ll hike up hills, down hills.”

Born in New York City, Taylor started cut her teeth singing with indie pop bands and released two dance singles Tell Me Can You Love Me and Iam the One You Want released in 1985 and 1986 respectively.

Then came the hit that changed everything,  Tell it to My Heart was released in 1987 after Dane’s father loaned her 6000 to create the demo.

The song was an instant success worldwide, peaking in the Top 5 of most major markets worldwide, and reaching No. 1 in many countries; the 12-inch record of the song ended up selling 900,000 copies alone.

 Dayne was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal, Female for her performance on “Tell It to My Heart” in 1988. 

In her 40 year career, Dayne has scored seven US Top 10 singles including: Tel it my heart, Prove Your Love, I’ll Always Love You, Don’t Rush Me, With Every Beat of My Heart, Love Will Lead you Back and I’ll be Your shelter.”

In the US she has achieved three gold singles and her sold over 75 million albums and singles worldwide.

A multi award winner, Dayne has notched up three Grammy Award nominations, an American Music Award and multiple New York Music Awards.

She has been named most successful dance artists of all time by Rolling Stone and Billboard.

Although she has never been married, she has twins, Astaria and Levi, born via a surrogate in 2003.

Performing on TV in the 80s, the star’s song was a worldwide hit[/caption]
Taylor was one of the most successful pop acts to emerge from the 80s music era[/caption]
The singer continues to perform and continues to look better than ever[/caption]

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