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Lindsay Hubbard's Baby Shower Details Revealed, Including Which 'Summer House' Co-Stars Attend


Lindsay Hubbard celebrated the arrival of her first child on Saturday (October 26) in New York City!

The 38-year-old pregnant Summer House star and her boyfriend hosted a joint baby shower at Paris Café in the city, and details about the event have been revealed.

Keep reading to find out more…

“What makes my baby shower more unique is it’s a joint baby shower for his-and-hers to celebrate — not just the baby mama, but also the baby daddy,” Lindsay shared with Us Weekly. “I wanted my boyfriend to be celebrated and loved and supported by his friends and family as much as I am by my friends and family. So that was the main decision.”

“[It was] a gathering of friends and family, and I didn’t want to put too much pressure on it,” she added. “I didn’t want a traditional baby shower where it’s me and all my girlfriends and I’m sitting in the chair opening gift time. That’s not fun for anyone. People just want to celebrate you and have fun and enjoy themselves.”

There were no baby shower games, but she did ask those in attendance to make predictions and share advice for the soon-to-be parents. She also had disposable cameras for people to snap fun pics for her to look back on.

“I’m really big on making memories,” Lindsay dished. “This moment is one of the biggest moments that is ever going to happen to me in my life, becoming a mother, and simultaneously, it’s going to be the biggest moment for [my boyfriend] in his life too. So it’s really important for me to be able to capture those memories together.”

Of course, some of her Summer House co-stars were in attendance for the big day, including Kyle Cooke, Amanda Batula, Ciara Miller, Danielle Olivera and Gabby Prescod. Almost all of them will be back for the upcoming ninth season of the Bravo series!

“I feel like this is a big moment for Summer House history,” Lindsay shared. “We had Kyle and Amanda get married, which was a huge milestone. And now with me being pregnant and having a baby, I think it’s another milestone of like, ‘Wow, OK, we have a Summer House baby!’”

Check out what Paige DeSorbo had to say about how filming went with a pregnant Lindsay!

Lindsay first announced she was pregnant right before filming began on the new season of Summer House back in July. A week later, she revealed a pregnancy timeline.

The reality star is due very soon, with the baby coming within the next couple months!

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