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Lamborghini driver ‘caught speeding’ in £200k motor begs to be let off as it’s his WEDDING DAY – but cops seize his car


A driver asked police to ‘let him off’ as it was his wedding day after they found he had no insurance on a £200,000 Lamborghini.

The soon-to-be groom was picked up by road traffic officers following four reports that the lime-green sports car had been speeding.

The seized £200,000 Lamborghini

They ran checks on the convertible vehicle – after stopping it in Bury, Greater Manchester – which showed it did not have any damage protection.

The man then tried to use his upcoming nuptials to plead with officers to spare him punishment.

But Greater Manchester Police joked that as they had ‘no confetti on hand’, they ignored his request and ‘threw six penalty points’ at him instead.

The officers also seized the vehicle.

Writing on X, a spokesperson for the force said: “Four reports of this Lamborghini speeding in Bury.

“When stopped, driver couldn’t prove valid insurance, but asked to be let off as it’s his wedding day.

“Had no confetti on hand, so we improvised and threw six points at the would be groom instead. Car seized.”

£200k Lamborghini destroyed in smash - as man runs away from smoking wreckage

THIS is the shocking moment a £200,000 Lamborghini is wrecked in a smash with a pole as a man is seen running away from the smoking wreckage.

The incident took place yesterday, in the late morning, drawing significant attention from passersby and local authorities.

Witnesses reported hearing a loud crash as the Lamborghini, reportedly traveling at high speed, lost control and collided with a pole near Wapping station, London.

The exact cause of the crash remains under investigation, but initial reports suggest that the driver may have been attempting to navigate a sharp turn when the vehicle spun out of control.

Footage shows a man running away from the vehicle but it is not clear if he was the driver or a passerby.

Emergency services were quick to arrive at the scene, including police, fire, and medical teams.

Fortunately, there were no serious injuries reported, although the driver and a passenger were treated on-site for minor injuries and shock.

The crash caused significant damage to the front end of the Lamborghini, with debris scattered across the road.

Local residents and commuters in the area expressed their shock and concern over the incident.

“I heard a loud bang and saw the car crash into the barrier,” said one witness. “It was a chaotic scene, but thankfully, it looks like everyone is okay.”

Watch the shocking footage here.

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