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Ken Macaulay dead: Scottish rugby hero dies aged 66 hours after Doddie Weir charity challenge


A RUGBY hero died just hours after completing an epic bike ride for Doddie Weir’s charity.

Ex-Scotland cap Ken Macaulay is believed to have suffered cardiac arrest on Sunday aged 66.

Ken Macaulay has died aged 66 hours after completing his gruelling cycle challenge[/caption]
He cycled 1,020 miles in aid of different charities including My Name’s Doddie Foundation[/caption]

The tragedy happened after he finished a fundraising challenge saw him visit all 76 clubs and pitches he had played at during his 30-year career.

In a statement, his distraught family said: “We’re so proud of him but overwhelmed by his loss at the same time.”

Ken died just hours after returning to Gala rugby club in Galashiels, one of his former clubs, where his 1020-mile pedalathon began three weeks earlier.

Gala Rugby Club said in a statement: “It is with a heavy heart that Gala Rugby announces the passing of Ken Macaulay.

“Everyone at Gala Rugby would like to send their condolences to Pat, Richard and Joanna – and the rest of Ken’s family – at this tough time.”

Ken, from Great Bernera in the Outer Hebrides, visited every club or pitch he had played at for his charity fundraiser that started on October 5.

After completing the epic journey on Saturday, Ken wrote in his final social media post: “Sorry, folks, for the rather brief update last night but things were pretty hectic when I arrived at Netherdale for the conclusion of my adventure!

“It was a long cycle yesterday, over 70 miles, most of it in to a headwind but it was also another day of warm welcomes and great company – at one stage there were 14 of us on the road and we also were being escorted by the Doddie Tractor for part of the way!”

Since finishing his ride, Ken raised over £13,300 in aid of Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland, My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, Murrayfield Injured Players Foundation and Prostate Scotland.

And donations continue to pour in after his passing.

Ken was one of 75 players to be ratified as full internationals by the Scottish Rugby Union Custodian Board earlier this year.

He said he was ‘chuffed to bits’ with the honour.

It came 44 years after Ken was picked for the Scotland squad which travelled to meet a France Select team in Bordeaux, for a series of three matches in 1980.

His appearance in what was a friendly tournament did not, at the time, qualify him for the honour of a Scotland cap.

His family added: “Ken’s first response to receiving his retrospective cap was to use it as a platform to give back, we are so in awe of all he has achieved.”

A spokesperson for My Name’5 Doddie Foundation wrote on X: “We’re desperately sad to hear of the death of Ken Macaulay & our thoughts are with his family & friends during this incredibly difficult time.

“Ken was a remarkable individual; a true supporter & through his challenge he raised substantial funds for 4 causes he cared deeply about.”

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