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Ruud van Nistelrooy hints he wants to stay at Man Utd in plea to Ruben Amorim as interim vows to ‘serve’ club


RUUD VAN NISTELROOY has hinted that he wants to stay at Manchester United, but does not care what role he has to play.

The Red Devils legend took charge of the team for Wednesday’s League Cup tie against Leicester following the sacking of Erik ten Hag on Monday.

Ruud van Nistelrooy led Man Utd to a 5-2 win over Leicester in the League Cup[/caption]
But he has hinted he wants to stay at Man Utd despite the expected arrival of Ruben Amorim[/caption]

And Van Nistelrooy had every reason to celebrate as his team ran out 5-2 winners over the Foxes with braces from Bruno Fernandes and Casemiro as well as a goal from Alejandro Garnacho.

Sporting CP boss Ruben Amorim looks nailed on to take over at Old Trafford as Ten Hag’s permanent successor – something which has seemingly been confirmed by Sir Dave Brailsford.

However, with reports suggesting there is a 30-day notice period before he can officially take over, Van Nistelrooy will have the month of November to rack up some vital points for United.

But speaking after the Leicester win, Van Nistelrooy said he wants to stay at the club.

He told Sky Sports: “I came here as an assistant to help the club.

“Now in this role, I’m helping as long as needed.

“I’m here to help and serve and give my everything for the club in any capacity with so many people here around me that want the best for the club and that will never change.”

On the performance, the 48-year-old said: “I couldn’t have asked for more.


“The first goal was unbelievable, a fantastic finish. I must say we also needed some luck and had some luck on our side.

“The double post and it came back to Casemiro (for his second goal) and the Bruno deflection (for his first).

“But I’m delighted for [Casemiro] the first one is in and then you see that more goals are coming.

“It was a good goal by Garna and assist by Diogo. It was a great night.”

Whether Amorim will keep the ex-striker around remains to be seen.

But Sporting have told United they will need to cough up another £4million to take his coaching staff, as well as the £8.3m release clause in his contract.

United face Chelsea on Sunday, with Van Nistelrooy set to speak at a press conference for the first time later today after not holding one following the League Cup win.

United found out shortly after that they will face Tottenham in the quarter-finals of the competition, who beat Manchester City 2-1 to progress themselves.

Ruben Amorim is ‘Mourinho 2.0’ who turned Sporting from ‘walking dead’ into Portuguese champs… he can revive Man Utd

WHEN Ruben Amorim took charge of Sporting Lisbon in March 2020, one club official compared their situation to the “walking dead”, writes Jordan Davies.

Optimism and hope was at an all-time low.

But the Amorim-effect was almost instantaneous, guiding the Portuguese sleeping giants to their first league title for 19 years in 2020/21, losing just once and only conceding 20 goals.

Since then, Sporting have lifted another league title in 2023/24 – as well as two League Cups – and currently sit top with nine wins from nine this term.

He may be young, but Amorim already has an eye for rebuilding and revitalising fallen super powers with his infectious charisma and intense tactical philosophy that hardly ever wavers. 

The “walking dead” at Manchester United must be praying for a similar sort of revival.

And they may just get it from one of the most talented young coaches on the continent – a man accustomed to breathing new life back into crumbling institutions such as Old Trafford.

Amorim has spent the last decade dreaming of one day gracing England’s Premier League, such was his admiration for an ex-United boss in Jose Mourinho growing up.

Often nicknamed ‘Mourinho 2.0’, Amorim spent a week with his coaching idol in an internship capacity at United’s Carrington training base in 2018, going on to cite him as his “reference point”.

United should not be expecting a mini-Mourinho, as Amorim said himself: “Mourinho is one of a kind. There won’t be another Mourinho. Mourinho is unique.”

And yet, you cannot help but compare the two.

For all the mismanagement in the Old Trafford hot seats over the years, this would be a real get – finally a slap in the face United’s Prem rivals have no answer for.

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