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Martin Lewis urgently warns millions of shoppers to use £18m worth of clubcard vouchers – extend them with an easy trick


MILLIONS of Tesco customers have been urged to use their clubcard vouchers before they expire on November 30.

However, a simple trick could see shoppers extend their vouchers or potentially double its value.

Tesco customers can extend their vouchers with a simple trick[/caption]

More than £18million in vouchers still need to be used before the end of the month.

Martin Lewis reveals the simple tricks to extending Tesco’s Clubcard vouchers.

You’ll need to extend your vouchers by 11.59pm on Saturday November 30.

There are three options to extend the rewards beyond the expiry date:

  • Make a small purchase on the Tesco Clubcard Rewards page (not in store or on other Tesco pages) or donate to one of its partner charities. The remaining balance is credited back to your Clubcard account as points. So if you spend 50p using a £5 Clubcard voucher, you’ll get 450 points back (worth £4.50).
  • You can then swap your points for vouchers manually or wait for them to be converted with your next statement. The expiry date for these new vouchers will be two years in the future.
  • There’s no minimum spend, but the aim’s to shell out as little as possible. A good option might be a 50p restaurant voucher (worth £1 at your chosen restaurant).

Alternatively, you can double the value of your vouchers by spending them at Tesco’s Reward Partners, such as Disney+, Legoland, and Pizza Express.

For example, 500 points are usually worth £5 to spend at Tesco – but if you exchange your vouchers for codes to use with a Reward Partner, 500 points are worth £10.

Shoppers on the Clubcard scheme receive vouchers after spending in-store or online, with every 150 points worth £1.50.

These vouchers can be used on your weekly food shop and with any number of Tesco‘s partners including PizzaExpress and Hotels.com.

Any vouchers spent with a Tesco partner are also worth two times their normal value.

How does Tesco’s Clubcard work?

You earn points as you shop, which can then be turned into vouchers for money off food or with Tesco’s partners.

You earn one point for each £1 spent, and each point is then worth 1p.

So 150 points gets you £1.50, and you would have to spend £150 to get 150 points.

You need a minimum of 150 points to request a voucher.

Any vouchers are worth their face value when used in-store at Tesco.

But you can double their worth by spending them at one of the supermarket chain’s partners.

There are over 100 partners you can spend your Clubcard points with, including the RAC, Disney+ and Virgin Atlantic Flying Club.

Points spent with partners used to be worth triple value, but Tesco changed this to double last year.

Any vouchers transferred into Reward Partner codes expire after six months.

Loyalty card holders also get access to over 8,000 items for less through Clubcard Prices.


Many people lose or forget to use their Tesco vouchers, but there’s an easy way to claw back the last two years of unused vouchers.

Here’s exactly how to find out if you have any unused vouchers.

The first step is to log into your Tesco Clubcard account on Tesco.com or via the Clubcard app.

You’ll need your name, email address and Clubcard number to hand.

Once you’ve logged in, navigate to “My Clubcard Account” and then click on “Vouchers” to see a full list of any vouchers you still have to spend.

You can use the code included in your voucher to spend online.

If you want to redeem them in-store, you’ll need to print them off and take them with you. 

What can I get with Tesco Clubcard?

TESCO’S Clubcard scheme allows shoppers to earn points as they shop.

These points can then be turned into vouchers for money off food at the supermarket, or discounts at other places like restaurants and days out.

Each time you spend £1 in-store and online, you get one point when you scan your Clubcard.

Drivers using the loyalty card get one point for every two litres spent on fuel.

One point equals 1p, so 150 points gets you a £1.50 money-off voucher, for example.

You can double their worth when you swap them for discounts with “reward partners”.

For example, £12 worth of vouchers can be swapped for a £24 three-month subscription to Disney+.

Or you can swap 50p worth of points for £1 to spend at Hungry Horse pubs.

Where you can spend them changes regularly, and you can check on the Tesco website what’s available now.

Tesco shoppers can also get Clubcard prices when they have the loyalty card.

The discounted items change regularly and without a Clubcard you’ll pay a higher price.

These Clubcard prices are usually labelled on shelves, along with the non-member price.

But it’s worth noting that just because it’s discounted doesn’t necessarily make it the cheapest around, and you should compare prices to find the best deal.

You can sign up to get a Tesco Clubcard in store or online via the Tesco website.

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